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Trans Scan

India|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+91 (033) 4016-1616
3A, Auckland Place, 2nd Floor, Kolkata – 700017


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Trans Scan Securities Pvt. Ltd.
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
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Company Summary

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Company Summary

Key Information Details
Company Name Trans Scan
Years Established 2-5 years
Headquarters Kolkata, India
Office Locations Kolkata, Purulia, Hazaribagh, Guwahati, Mumbai
Regulations/Licenses Unregulated
Tradable Assets Equities, Derivatives, Currency, Commodities
Account Types Equity & F&O Trading, Commodity Trading, Currency Futures, Demat Accounts
Minimum Deposit N/A
Leverage N/A
Spread N/A
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods N/A
Trading Platforms TSS Mobile App
Customer Support Options Phone, Fax, Email, 'Support Desk'
Educational Content Investors Guide to Capital Market, Basics of Financial Markets, FAQ‘s on Derivatives Trading, FAQ’s on Online Trading, FAQs on Margins

Overview of Trans Scan

Trans Scan is a recently established company, operating for a period of 2-5 years. It is headquartered in Kolkata, India, with office locations in Purulia, Hazaribagh, Guwahati, and Mumbai. As an unregulated entity, Trans Scan offers a range of tradable assets, including equities, derivatives, currency, and commodities, providing investors with diverse investment options.

Trans Scan provides multiple account types to suit various trading needs, such as equity & F&O trading, commodity trading, currency futures, and demat accounts. The minimum deposit requirement is not specified. The company offers the TSS Mobile App as a trading platform, enabling traders to conveniently execute transactions on their mobile devices. Customer support is available through phone, fax, email, and a dedicated “Support Desk,” ensuring prompt assistance for clients.

Trans Scan emphasizes investor education by providing informative materials. These educational resources cover topics such as an investor's guide to the capital market, basics of financial markets, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to derivatives trading, online trading, and margins. However, specific details about leverage, spread, deposit/withdrawal methods, and bonus offerings are not available based on the provided information. Despite being a relatively new player in the market, Trans Scan aims to cater to traders in India by offering a variety of assets, account types, a mobile trading platform, and comprehensive customer support options.



It's important to note that specific regulatory information or licensing details have not been provided. Trading with a non-regulated broker carries substantial risk, as it might not adhere to standard practices safeguarded by regulatory bodies. The lack of regulatory oversight might also limit the company's accountability in case of disputes or irregularities. Consequently, prospective clients should approach with caution and carry out thorough due diligence before engaging with the company.

Pros and Cons

Trans Scan (TSS) is a financial company that has a broad array of financial services that cater to diverse trading needs, offering the opportunity to trade equities, equity derivatives, commodities, and currency futures. The company also emphasizes its commitment to business transparency and efficiency. Furthermore, TSS provides a mobile app, available on both iOS and Android platforms, allowing customers to stay connected to the markets and trade from anywhere. Its nationwide presence with branches across various cities in India is another positive aspect, extending its reach and accessibility.

Despite its established presence and diverse offerings, TSS does not provide clear information regarding its regulatory status or licensing. This lack of transparency could pose substantial risks for clients, potentially affecting the safety of their funds and fairness of trading. Moreover, certain key operational details remain undisclosed. For instance, there's no information about account types, minimum deposits, leverage, spread, or deposit/withdrawal methods. These gaps in information can make it challenging for prospective clients to fully understand the terms of service, thus potentially hindering informed decision-making.

Pros Cons
Services in equities, derivatives, etc. Lack of regulatory status or licensing details
Mobile app available for trading Lack of operational details
Presence across India Potential risk to client funds
Difficulty in making informed decisions

Market Instruments

Equities & Equity Derivatives: TSS offers the opportunity to trade in equities and equity derivatives through NSE and BSE. Equities represent shares in a company and allow investors to own a piece of the company. On the other hand, equity derivatives are financial instruments whose value is derived from the underlying equity. They are primarily used for hedging against fluctuations in stock prices but can also be used for speculation.

Commodities: Through their associate company, Nortel Vincom Private Limited, TSS provides futures trading on MCX and NCDEX. This includes a wide array of commodities such as agro commodities, precious metals, base metals, and energy products. Commodity trading allows traders to take advantage of price movements in these physical goods.

Currency Futures: TSS enables trading in various currency pairs like INR-USD, INR-GBP, INR-Yen, etc., on NSE/BSE. Currency futures are a type of derivative contract that allows traders to buy or sell a specific currency at a future date. This instrument is useful for hedging against foreign exchange risk or speculating on currency movements.

Depository Services: As a Depository Participant with NSDL, TSS provides various depository services. This involves holding and handling of securities in electronic form. Services include dematerialization, rematerialization, pledging, and transfers. This facility allows users to hold and transact securities in a more secure and efficient way compared to physical certificates.


Account Types

Trans Scan does not offer a detailed description of the all of the account's distinct features or advantages on the website.

Equity & F&O Trading Account: This type of account offered by Trans Scan allows trading in equities and equity derivatives through NSE and BSE.

Commodity Trading Account: Through their associate company, Nortel Vincom Private Limited, Trans Scan provides the facility to trade in commodities via MCX and NCDEX.

Currency Futures Account: With Trans Scan, customers can trade in various currency pairs through NSE/BSE.

Demat Account: As a depository participant with NSDL, Trans Scan provides a Demat account for holding and transacting in securities in electronic form.

Step-by-step on how to open an account

1. Visit the Broker's Website: Go to the official website of the brokerage firm where you wish to open an account.

2. Find the 'Open an Account' Button: This is usually prominently displayed on the homepage. Click on this button to begin the process.


3. Fill Out the Application Form: You will be asked to provide personal information such as your name, contact details, address, date of birth, and social security number or other identification number. Some brokers might ask for employment information or your financial status.


4. Choose the Account Type: Depending on the brokerage, you may have the option to choose from several types of accounts. This could include individual or joint accounts, margin accounts, or retirement accounts. Make sure to select the one that suits your financial goals.


5. Click Submit and wait for a call back from the company

Trading Platforms

Trans Scan appears to offer only one trading platform: the TSS Mobile App.

TSS Mobile App: This app, compatible with iOS and Android devices, lets users place and adjust orders. It also provides live quotes for stocks and market statistics. An online back-office login within the app enables clients to access trading account reports. However, there is no additional information available about the app's features, user interface, or overall functionality. It's also unclear if Trans Scan provides any other trading platforms, such as web-based or desktop versions.


Customer Support Options

Phone Support: Customers can reach out to Trans Scan's customer service by dialing the phone number provided (033) 4016-1616. This is a direct line of communication for resolving queries or issues.

Fax Support: Trans Scan also provides a fax number ((033) 2283-6158) for customers who prefer this method of communication. This might be used for sending documents or detailed written inquiries.

Email Support: For those who prefer to communicate digitally, Trans Scan has a customer service email address: Customers can send their queries or issues to this email, and should expect to receive a response.

Support Desk: The website also contains a live chat support feature, which can be found at the top navigation bar or inside the Contact Us page, which contains all of the mentioned methods.


Educational Content

Trans Scan appears to offer a variety of educational resources covering different aspects of trading and financial markets.

Investors Guide to Capital Market: This appears to be a resource aimed at educating investors about the basics of the capital market. It likely covers topics such as how the capital market functions, its role in the economy, and how investors can participate. However, there is no additional information about the format of this guide or its depth of content.

Basics of Financial Markets: This resource seems to provide an overview of financial markets at large. It could potentially cover topics like the types of financial markets, their role, and basic trading principles. The precise details about what this resource includes and how comprehensive it is, are not specified.

FAQ's on Derivatives Trading: This is likely a list of frequently asked questions specifically related to trading derivatives. This could be a useful resource for those who are new to derivatives trading or for those who have specific questions about the process. The exact questions it covers are not mentioned.

FAQ's on Online Trading: Presumably, this resource answers common questions that individuals might have about online trading. It may include details about how to start trading online, what software is needed, how trades are executed, and more. The specific details or the number of questions answered is not provided.

FAQ's on Margins: This appears to be a resource that answers questions related to trading on margin. It may cover topics like what margin trading is, how it works, and the risks associated. The depth or range of questions it covers is not detailed.



Trans Scan is a financial services company that offers a variety of trading services, including Equity and F&O trading, commodity trading, and currency futures. Trans Scan is a member of several key Indian exchanges such as NSE, BSE, NSDL, MCX, and NCDEX. The company also provides Demat account services as a depository participant with NSDL. However, detailed information about the features or benefits of these accounts is not provided.

In terms of trading technology, Trans Scan primarily relies on the TSS Mobile App, a mobile application designed for iOS and Android devices. Multiple customer support options are available to clients, including phone, fax, and email communication. The specifics of the 'Support Desk' are not clearly defined. Trans Scan offers educational content covering various aspects of trading and financial markets, but the depth and format of these resources are not specified. It would be helpful for potential clients if Trans Scan provided more comprehensive information about its services, trading platforms, educational content, and customer support.


Q: When was Trans Scan established?

A: Trans Scan began its operation 2 to 5 years ago.

Q: Which trading services does Trans Scan offer?

A: Trans Scan provides Equity and F&O trading, commodity trading, and currency futures trading services.

Q: What trading platforms does Trans Scan use?

A: Trans Scan utilizes the TSS Mobile App for trading.

Q: Does Trans Scan provide any educational resources?

A: Yes, Trans Scan offers a variety of guides and FAQs on different aspects of trading and financial markets.

Q: What customer support options does Trans Scan offer?

A: Trans Scan offers phone, fax, and email support to its customers.

Q: Is Trans Scan a member of any trading exchanges?

A: Yes, Trans Scan holds memberships in NSE, BSE, NSDL, MCX, and NCDEX.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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