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 SEC Fines Vanguard $106 Million Over Misleading TRF Tax Disclosures

SEC Fines Vanguard $106 Million Over Misleading TRF Tax Disclosures

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has imposed a hefty $106.41 million fine on Vanguard Group, Inc. following an investigation into misleading statements regarding the tax consequences of its Target Retirement Funds (TRFs).

News 01-18
Swiss Population Strongly Opposes Abolition of Cash, Philoro Study Reveals

Swiss Population Strongly Opposes Abolition of Cash, Philoro Study Reveals

A new study has revealed that nearly 90 percent of the Swiss population is against the abolition of cash, highlighting a significant rise in opposition compared to the previous year. The Precious Metals Study 2024, conducted by precious metals trader Philoro, shows a marked increase in the number of Swiss citizens who prefer to keep cash in circulation, with a notable shift in public opinion.

News 01-18
Boerse Stuttgart Digital Secures EU-Wide MiCAR Crypto License

Boerse Stuttgart Digital Secures EU-Wide MiCAR Crypto License

Boerse Stuttgart Digital secures Germany’s first MiCA license, enabling EU-wide operations and expanding its digital asset services.

News 01-18
Why the Federal Reserve Is So Important

Why the Federal Reserve Is So Important

The Federal Reserve, since its establishment in 1913, has transformed from a simple monetary stability institution into a core pillar of the U.S. economy. Its policies not only have a profound impact on the domestic economy but also deeply influence global financial markets.

News 01-18
IG Group Enters Direct Investment Market with £160 Million Freetrade Buyout

IG Group Enters Direct Investment Market with £160 Million Freetrade Buyout

IG Group, a prominent global financial trading and investment company, has announced its acquisition of Freetrade, a commission-free investment platform, for £160 million. The deal, funded through IG’s existing capital resources, marks a strategic move to expand its footprint in the United Kingdom.

News 01-17
“Predict and Win” Big Rewards! Join the Contest Now

“Predict and Win” Big Rewards! Join the Contest Now

Dear community friends, as the new year approaches, we have prepared an exciting prediction activity for everyone — Forex Price Trend Prediction! From January 16-23, 2025, showcase your market insights and predict the trends of Forex for the upcoming period!

News 01-17 Under Fire: Frozen Accounts, Missing Funds Under Fire: Frozen Accounts, Missing Funds, one of Central Europe’s largest currency exchange platforms, has made headlines after accusing major Polish banks of conspiring to undermine its operations. The company has threatened legal action amounting to 6.76 billion zlotys ($1.6 billion) in damages. However, the platform is now under intense scrutiny following allegations of fraud and the mismanagement of customer funds.

News 01-17
BSP and JICA Renew Partnership to Expand Credit Risk Database for SMEs in the Philippines

BSP and JICA Renew Partnership to Expand Credit Risk Database for SMEs in the Philippines

On December 11, 2024, a significant milestone was reached in the Philippines' financial sector as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) officially signed the ‘Records of Discussion’ for the second phase of the Credit Risk Database (CRD) project. The ceremony at the BSP headquarters in Manila marked a pivotal moment in widening access to financing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across the country.

News 01-17
Why Copy Trading is Perfect for New Investors

Why Copy Trading is Perfect for New Investors

Learn why copy trading is ideal for new investors. Follow expert traders, minimize risks, and start earning confidently—no prior expertise is required.

News 01-17
First Unfair Trading Case Reported Under South Korea’s Virtual Asset User Protection Act

First Unfair Trading Case Reported Under South Korea’s Virtual Asset User Protection Act

The Financial Services Commission (FSC) of South Korea has disclosed the first case of unfair trading following the enactment of the Virtual Asset User Protection Act. This law, which took effect in July 2024, aims to regulate the cryptocurrency market and protect investors from fraud and market manipulation.

News 01-17
WikiFX Review: Is InterStellar Group Trustworthy?

WikiFX Review: Is InterStellar Group Trustworthy?

In today’s article, WikiFX made a comprehensive review of a broker named InterStellar Group. We wonder if InterStellar Group is a scam or a reliable broker.

News 01-17
UK and Australian Pension Funds Allocate to Bitcoin: A Step Towards Diversification Amid Risks

UK and Australian Pension Funds Allocate to Bitcoin: A Step Towards Diversification Amid Risks

With Bitcoin becoming a global financial hotspot, pension funds in countries like the UK and Australia have begun cautiously allocating this emerging asset to diversify portfolios and potentially achieve higher returns. However, cryptocurrency’s volatility and regulatory uncertainties have raised widespread concerns.

News 01-17
Upbit Faces Severe Penalties for AML and KYC Violations

Upbit Faces Severe Penalties for AML and KYC Violations

Upbit, South Korea’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, faces severe penalties for over 700,000 AML and KYC violations.

News 01-17
BSP Pushes for a Cashless Philippines by 2025

BSP Pushes for a Cashless Philippines by 2025

The BSP accelerates cashless transactions, aims for a coin-lite society, eliminates small fund transfer fees, and drives financial inclusion by 2025.

News 01-17
Market: The Dominant Force in Oil Prices

Market: The Dominant Force in Oil Prices

Recent fluctuations in oil prices have raised concerns, especially with the sharp rise in gasoline prices.

News 01-17
Yen's Weakness Raises Concerns

Yen's Weakness Raises Concerns

Recently, the performance of the yen against the dollar has caused some anxiety in the market, especially as the yen weakens, leading investors to worry about its future performance.

News 01-17
Maya Bank Disburses PHP 68B in Loans, Sets 2024 Record

Maya Bank Disburses PHP 68B in Loans, Sets 2024 Record

Maya Bank disburses PHP 68B in loans in 2024, advancing financial inclusion with digital banking innovation, BSP compliance, and secure financial solutions.

News 01-17
Rs. 1 Billion Ponzi Scam: 3K Investors Duped by Engineers

Rs. 1 Billion Ponzi Scam: 3K Investors Duped by Engineers

The two mechanical engineers in Mumbai, India, were arrested in a Ponzi scam. The Mumbai Economic Offences caught the culprits from Mumbai, Thane, and Mulund. The accused are identified as Hariprasad Venugopal, 44, and Pranav Raorane, 43.

News 01-17
South Africa's FSCA Warns against CMFX Trading

South Africa's FSCA Warns against CMFX Trading

The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) issued a warning against CMFX Trading. The Authority said CMFX Trading is not authorised in terms of any financial sector law to provide financial services to the public in South Africa.

Exposure 01-17
Mitrade Ensures Trader Protection Backed by Lloyd's of London

Mitrade Ensures Trader Protection Backed by Lloyd's of London

Mitrade boosts trader confidence with a Lloyd's of London-backed Excess of Loss Insurance Policy, ensuring top-tier protection and transparency in CFD trading.

News 01-17
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