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Crypto sleuths join hunt for $1.5bn stolen in biggest ever heist

ByBit is offering financial rewards to anyone who can spot criminals attempting to launder the stolen crypto.

Industry In a week
Elon Musk’s DOGE Sparks a Wave of Crypto Fraud

Elon Musk’s DOGE Sparks a Wave of Crypto Fraud

Scammers have capitalised on the widespread attention surrounding DOGE by creating fraudulent schemes that promise lucrative returns. Many of these scams falsely associate themselves with Musk or the DOGE initiative and incorporate similar branding, including logos and terminology.

News In a week
CBI Probes Rs 6,600 Crore GainBitcoin Cryptocurrency Scam

CBI Probes Rs 6,600 Crore GainBitcoin Cryptocurrency Scam

CBI searches 60 locations in the GainBitcoin cryptocurrency scam probe, targeting Rs 6,600 crore fraud by Amit and Ajay Bhardwaj across India.

News In a week

BP\s shareholders want it to make money, not climate policy

The oil and gas producer faces criticism for its shift away from green energy, but many support it.

Industry In a week
Indian National Scams Rs. 600 Crore with Fake Crypto Website

Indian National Scams Rs. 600 Crore with Fake Crypto Website

An Indian guy, Chirag Tomar, who is currently serving a prison sentence for defrauding over $20 million, was exposed once more. The Indian Enforcement Directorate discovered his and his family's involvement in a Rs. 600 crore cryptocurrency scam.

News In a week
Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

A Malaysian night market vendor has lost RM500,000 which is the entirety of his and his wife’s life savings after falling prey to a fraudulent foreign exchange investment scheme registered in Seychelles, East Africa.

News In a week
Is IFC Markets Good for you? Read the Broker Review

Is IFC Markets Good for you? Read the Broker Review

IFC Markets is an online broker that provides clients with a wide range of financial instruments and trading services worldwide. The company offers various trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies through multiple trading platforms, including NetTradeX, MetaTrader 4, and MetaTrader 5.

Exposure In a week
8 Cognitive Biases That Could Be Ruining Your Trades

8 Cognitive Biases That Could Be Ruining Your Trades

In trading, psychological factors often determine success more than market trends and technical analysis. Understanding these cognitive biases is crucial.

News In a week
The Truth About Trading: 12 Stats Reveal Why 95% of Traders Fail

The Truth About Trading: 12 Stats Reveal Why 95% of Traders Fail

Behind most traders’ failures are complex markets, emotional fluctuations, and cognitive biases. Here are 12 statistics revealing the reasons.

News In a week
What Can Expert Advisors Offer and Risk in Forex Trading?

What Can Expert Advisors Offer and Risk in Forex Trading?

Know the pros and cons of Expert Advisors in Forex trading—automation boosts efficiency, but risks like over-reliance and glitches require careful balance.

News In a week
ASIC Banned the Director of JB Markets

ASIC Banned the Director of JB Markets

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has banned Peter Aardoom, the director of JB Markets, for eight years from associating with any financial services firm. This ban follows a series of regulatory actions against JB Markets, which included the cancellation of its Australian Financial Services (AFS) license less than a year ago.

Exposure In a week
5 Steps to Empower Investors' Trading

5 Steps to Empower Investors' Trading

Forex trading is a world full of opportunities and challenges, attracting investors from around the globe to participate.

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How to Find the Perfect Broker for Your Trading Journey?

How to Find the Perfect Broker for Your Trading Journey?

Choosing the right broker to open an account is a crucial first step in your investment journey. It not only impacts your trading costs but also significantly enhances your investment efficiency.

News In a week
The Most Effective Technical Indicators for Forex Trading

The Most Effective Technical Indicators for Forex Trading

Master Forex trading with the most effective technical indicators like RSI, MACD, and Bollinger Bands to spot trends and boost profits in 2025.

News In a week
X Charter Review: Is It a Safe Broker for Your Investments?

X Charter Review: Is It a Safe Broker for Your Investments?

Choosing a reliable broker that offers competitive conditions and robust security is essential. X Charter, a Belize-registered brokerage, claims to offer a comprehensive trading platform for Forex, CFDs on Shares, Futures, Indices, Metals, and Energy. However, with its unregulated status and some concerning features, potential traders must carefully assess the risks before opening an account.

Exposure In a week
Retiree Lost RM4 Million to a Facebook Investment Scam

Retiree Lost RM4 Million to a Facebook Investment Scam

A 73-year-old retiree suffered a devastating financial loss of RM4 million after falling prey to a fraudulent share investment scheme advertised on Facebook.

News In a week
Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

A sophisticated forex investment scheme that took a decade to establish has been exposed as a global financial fraud. In Malaysia alone, at least 77 individuals have reportedly lost more than RM48 million.

News In a week
The Top 5 Hidden Dangers of AI in Forex and Crypto Trading

The Top 5 Hidden Dangers of AI in Forex and Crypto Trading

Discover the top 5 hidden dangers of AI in forex and crypto trading: over-reliance, market manipulation, predictive failures, ethical issues, and volatility risks.

News In a week
Pepperstone Adds 79 Stocks to 24-Hour US Share CFDs

Pepperstone Adds 79 Stocks to 24-Hour US Share CFDs

Pepperstone expands 24-hour US share CFDs, adding 79 stocks like Tesla and Nvidia, meeting demand for after-hours trading opportunities.

News In a week
Become a Full-Time FX Trader in 6 Simple Steps

Become a Full-Time FX Trader in 6 Simple Steps

Are you thinking about being a full-time forex trader? If your answer is yes. This article is especially for you. Here are six tips to help you become a full-time Forex trader.

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