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Protección de saldo negativo: Soportado
Protección de los inversores: --
Miembros: 165
Establecido: Establecido en 2002
Instrumentos financieros regulados
356 2144 1155
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Organismos de denuncia
OAFS (The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services )
Sitio web
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is the single regulator of financial services in Malta established on 23 July 2002 through the Act of Parliament (Chapter 330 of the Laws of Malta). MFSA’s main functions are the protection of consumers, integrity of financial markets, financial stability and the supervision of all financial services activities,which include banking, financial institutions, payment institutions, insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, investment services companies and collective investment schemes, securities markets, recognised investment exchanges, trust management companies, company services providers and pension schemes. MFSA also holds an advisory role to Government in the formulation of policies on matters relating to the financial services industry.