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निकासी किए हुए 7 दिन हो गए हैं,
1-2 साल
It's been 7 days since withdrawal placed,
I've placed a withdrawal request of 2380.92USD on 10/8/2023, It's been 7 days since my withdrawal placed, withdrawal status still showing pending check.One of the my friend, Vonway user, placed a withdrawal on 14/8/2023, and his withdrawal approved in just 3 hours.I ask live chat , but they just evading the problem , keep telling me they are facing high traffic.Even when I created a help desk ticket, the Vonway team also replying me the same answer , which they are facing high traffic.When I ask for a specific date or time which they will approve my withdrawal , they just escaping from my question, keep telling me the same answer which "due to unforeseen circumstance, the withdrawal processing time is currently longer than usual". But thy other user withdrawal can approve immediately? But why mine take 7 days and still in pending check?Please pay me my profits.
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