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Steven Lee
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My view on Gold

The bearish move on gold will become stable in a few days. 2025 will be a year of Trump tweets moving the markets once again. Who knows if Elon Musk starts influencing policies, it will be wild ! Also, Trump is very PRO crypto.
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What Do You Need to Be a Successful Forex Trader?

Being a successful trader is no easy task. Success in forex trading requires a deep understanding of forex instruments, including derivatives like forwards, futures, and options on currency pairs, as well as contracts for difference (CFDs). Bear in mind that financial market is a battleground, and to thrive, you must be able to respond to rapidly changing conditions in a timely manner. This means staying informed, making quick decisions and decrease possible risks effectively. But what if I told you that even the most experienced brokers can sometimes miss something important that lies right on the surface? Imagine the cost of lost opportunities caused by a poor internet connection or a sudden power outage. At first glance, such minor issues can have a significant impact on your trading performance and profitabilit Fortunately, you have a tool in your arsenal - a Forex VPS. By using it, you can be sure that your trading will be safe and possibly more profitable.
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With this information you will be able to know best methods and strategies to avoid FOMO as a trader Note: I am participating in the WikiEXPO2024 forex popular forex influencers selection, please support me. What is FOMO in forex investing ? FOMO in the forex world occurs when a person makes an irrational decision to trade or invest in the forex market base on piece of information received without properly verifying the source. This can lead you to loss all your capital. To avoid FOMO - Take the Time to Research FOMO is compulsive and driven information received from variety of channels. Usually, news kike that isn't verified and is interpreted to suit a personal bias. - Know the Market is Cyclical The cryptocurrency market , like others in the financial world, moves in an up and down cycle, with bullish and bearish periods. Understanding the cycle will help to reduce the risk of being driven by FOMO, This can help you to know the right time to enter and exit a trade. - Developing a Guiding Strategy Having a guiding principle is a constructive way to get over the effects of FOMO. It's means maintaining a checklist to prevent making drastic decisions or jumping too quickly on the market bandwagon. Combine fundamental and technical analysis whenever possible to shield yourself from poorly thought-out trading decisions. I am participating in the WikiEXPO2024 forex popular forex influencers selection, please support me #WikiEXPO2024Dubai #SeeingInvestmentDiversity #WikiEXPO2024InfluencersProgram #ForexInfluencersBattle #TradingAnalysis #PortfolioInvestment
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How to Budget for Forex Trading: A Simple Guide

Think of your forex trading account like a piggy bank. You wouldn't put all your money in there, right? The same goes for forex. A good rule of thumb is the 1% rule. This means you only risk 1% of your total account balance on a single trade. For example, if you have $1,000, you wouldn't risk more than $10 on a trade. Why is this important? Protects Your Money: It limits your potential losses, so you don't lose everything in one bad trade. Manages Risk: It helps you stay disciplined and avoid impulsive decisions. Another tip: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money across different currency pairs. This way, if one pair doesn't perform well, others might. Remember, forex trading can be risky. Always do your research, practice, and only invest what you can afford to lose.
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Those 5 Rules can help you to trade successful

Anyone who wants to become a profitable stock trader only has to spend a few minutes online I am participating in the WikiEXPO2024 forex popular big shot selection, please support me to encounter advice like "plan your trade, trade your plan" and "keep your losses to a minimum" but strategy goes much more deeply than this. Keeping some rules in mind can increase your odds of succeeding in the markets. - Trading Plan - Take your trade like daily business - Advance your trading with Technology - Protect your trading capital - Risks only what you can afford to lose 1. TRADING PLAN A trading plan is a set of rules that specifies a trader's entry, exit, and money management criterias for every purchase. Use technology to test a trading idea before risking real money. This process is known as backtesting. 2. TAKE YOUR TRADE LIKE DAILY BUSINESS You must approach trading as a full or part-time business, not as a hobby or a job, if you're going to be successful. Trading as a business allows you to clearly identify all your expenses and losses. This helps you reduce uncertainty, risk, stress, and even taxes. 3. PROTECT YOUR TRADING CAPITAL Saving enough money to fund a trading account takes time and effort. It can be even more difficult if you have to do it twice. All traders have losing trades. Protecting capital means not taking unnecessary risks and doing everything you can to preserve your trading business. 4. ADVANCE YOUR TRADING WITH TECHNOLOGY Trading is a competitive business so it's safe to assume that the person on the other side of a trade is taking full advantage of all available technology. Getting market updates via your smartphone allows you to monitor trades anywhere. A high-speed internet connection can increase trading performance. Using technology to your advantage and keeping current with new products can be fun and rewarding. 5. RISKS MANAGEMENT Make sure the money in that trading account is expendable before you use real cash. A trader should otherwise keep saving until it is. Losing money is traumatic enough. It becomes even more so if it's capital that should have never been risked in the first place. I am participating in the WikiEXPO2024 forex popular big shot selection, please support me #trading #WikiEXPO2024Dubai #SeeingInvestmentDiversity #WikiEXPO2024InfluencersProgram #ForexInfluencersBattle #TradingAnalysis #PortfolioInvestment
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Know your Strategy before you draw a chart

What can you avoid to stay away from market manipulation in 2024 I am participating in the WikiEXPO2024 forex popular forex influencers selection, please support me Many people are eager to trade but they don't have full knowledge about what , and when is good to enter the market that is what causing traders to loss all their capital or even get scammed by fake brokers. make sure you study fundamental analysis, risk management and analysis, technical analysis this will really help you and assist you as a trader in your trading join. know when to enter market and know when to exit the market in order to make a successful trade daily. I am participating in the WikiEXPO2024 forex popular forex influencers selection, please support me #WikiEXPO2024Dubai #SeeingInvestmentDiversity #WikiEXPO2024InfluencersProgram #ForexInfluencersBattle #TradingAnalysis #PortfolioInvestment
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