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मैं जीवनगढ़ चंद्रपुर जिले में रहने वाले किशोर चंद्र पाण्डेय हूँ।
1-2 साल
I am Kishore Chandra Panigrahi, resident of Orissa
I used to chat with a 35 years old lady named Lena who lives in Hong Kong on Facebook and one day she gave me her WhatsApp number and told me that I will teach you trading and asked me to download trading software and to pay me money with crypto currency. So far I have recharged four lakh rupees, $4050, I have recharged till now and I have not received anything back from the platform. I earned $33024 there in the platform and I tried to withdraw 31000 and I got an email. I paid 1259 dollars and then another message comes that you have to pay 10% of 31000 dollars here. Your account has been forged and I was told that 10% i.e. 31000 dollars. You will have to deposit $3100 and your withdrawal will be successful.
पिछली पोस्ट
धोखाधड़ी और धोखाधड़ी ब्रोकर के बड़े प्रकार का संपर्क करें। 9694424488
जब हम पैसा जमा करते हैं तो वह COMP में जमा हो जाता है
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