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मुझे ब्लॉक कर दिया गया है
1 साल के अंदर
I'd blocked
hello my self jasbir singh from india, titan capital markets blocked my I'd username JASBIR3090. without giving me prior notice. they can give me waring they can ask me what is my issues in titan capital markets, instead of that they blocked my id. I am not an employee of their company , I am an investor if they have problem from my side they refund my amount with my subscription package I don't require there profit. we all people are waiting for more than 4months (likely December month) for our 100 percentage withdrawal. now they will give us only 5 percent withdrawal from our staking profit. and our principal amount is also they are not giving us as by they said. I can give you all the proofs regarding this matter. how can we trust on you also. you have to look in this matter because every people invest via loans they sell their property childern FD FUNDS. NOW CAN THEY SURVIVE. I NEED MY FUND BACK FROM THESE KIND OF FAKE COMPANY I DONT WANT THEIR SINGLE PROFIT. and I mail them they didn't even replied me. my total fund invest in my id is with subscription 2700usdt without profit.
पिछली पोस्ट
निकासी नहीं
निकासी नहीं हो सकती है।
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