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Ventezo और इसके फिलीपींस कंट्री मैनेजर द्वारा निकाली गई राशि जारी नहीं की जा रही है
1-2 साल
Ventezo and its Philippine Country Manager not releasing withdrawal
In behalf of my mother, a ventezo client as well, compelled to bring to light a significant concern regarding Ventezo and its current operations under the management of their Philippine Country Manager. Here are the alarming details:1. Withdrawal Issues:The said account holder my mother, have been facing non-release of her withdrawn funds.Despite receiving official email confirmations from Ventezo stating that the withdrawal requests have been completed, the funds remain unreleased.2. Chat Support Claims:Ventezo's chat support has confirmed that the Country Manager in the Philippines has already transferred the funds.Yet, no funds have been received in our bank accounts, creating a discrepancy between their system's updates and the actual transfer status.3. Lack of Accountability:Repeated follow-ups have not resolved these issues, raising concerns about the integrity and transparency of Ventezo's operations in the Philippines. We even send demand letter to the owner of Ventezo via whatsapp messenger but to no avail. No replies.
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