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मेरे खाते को आंतरिक स्थानांतरण से जानबूझकर ब्लॉक करें
1-2 साल
Purposely block my account from internal transfer
This is really a tricky way, please read this carefully.Im running in profit every week and not running illegally.Not much entry per day .Less than 10 entry per day.1st time withdrawal,they hold for 3 days and release the money.3rd time not able to withdraw.This is where the tricky part comes.In order to withdraw,I need to transfer the money from trading ACC into wallet.They purposely disabled the internal transfer.No email or notification received.I asked them why do this and they ask for selfie photo with utility bill.After provide it,no response and the next day they ask for,I can see that they are trying to delay the withdrawal and not responding to my email.Note that they never mentioned anything why they block the internal transfer to me.This is kind of abusive and this kind of broker should be reported.
पिछली पोस्ट
धोखाधड़ी ब्रोकर - झूठा NFA पंजीकरण और लाभ
खाता लाभदायक है लेकिन निकासी की अनुमति नहीं है, और बैकएंड भी ब्लॉक है। एक ईमेल भेजा गया है जिसमें एक बुरी रवैया के साथ, स्पष्ट रूप से इच्छापूर्वक मुसीबत उत्पन्न करने का इरादा था!
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