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जेनस्टॉक्स खाता रबीह हन्ना फ़ाइल नंबर 11188215
1 साल के अंदर
Zenstox account rabih Hanna file number 11188215
Dear sir, I'm writing this message to explain for you my situation with zenstox. I'm rabih Hanna customer invest with zenstox company my account number 11188215 after several deposit in my account amount of 73000$ with my manger account, miss lamia alali and Mr Saleh alsheikh this manager always we provide me a way to deposit money and didn't withdraw till date as my last week account I'm withdraw from my account approve amount 57000$ and after 3 days zenstox rejected my situation very bad financially due to your manager descion without any results I'm from lebanon as I'm also in this time and my country in bad situation, Please management I need from you to help me to withdraw from my account at zenstox company as since around one year my file open without any withdraw Always I'm deposit money in my account as per your manger descion without any result Kindly urge you management to withdraw at list my deposit or equivalent because I'm in bad situation financially
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