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Winprofx मेरे फंड जारी नहीं कर रहा है - संदिग्ध स्कैम
1 साल के अंदर
Winprofx Won’t Release My Funds – Suspected Scam a
I signed up for Winprofx and completed the ID verification process before depositing funds. The first time I deposited, I withdrew my funds without making any profit. Later, I deposited again, this time making profitable trades. However, now, when I attempt to withdraw both my profits and my initial deposit, my account status has been changed to unverified, blocking my access to my funds. Despite submitting my ID and all necessary documents multiple times, the company refuses to verify my account again and release my funds. Their customer service is completely unresponsive—no replies to emails or messages. They are irresponsible and lack professionalism. I believe this platform is using the verification process as an excuse to withhold users’ funds, potentially to scam them. I strongly advise staying away from Winprofx, as I don’t believe your money is safe here.
विदेशी मुद्रा बीट ब्रोकर WINPROFX
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