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एक धोखाधड़ी का समूह। अपने कठिन पैसे का निवेश न करें।
1 साल के अंदर
संयुक्त अरब अमीरात
A group of scammers. Do not invest your hard money
I was approached by a person named Abdullah who was calling me every few mins. I was convinced and invested 3000 USD. I was appointed an RM named Ismail who always gave the wrong signals and make me lose my whole money in few days. My mistake was to trust such people as they were my country fellows. They always told me to open the position opposite to the flow which was the reason my account was washed out in few days dew to heavy losses. They will call u, they will try to b your friends, they will use such humble words where u feel they are trustable but do not fall for the scam. They are only looters and will never let you take your money back. You will be asked again and again to deposit more in order to recover the previous losses. DO NOT DO THAT FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY.
पिछली पोस्ट
धोखाधड़ी चेतावनी!!
ट्रेडिंग धोखाधड़ी
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
Deleno IFC
Envi FX
Giraffe Markets
IVY Markets
अधिक देखने के लिए
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