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Vittaverse धोखाधड़ी ब्रोकर निकासी नहीं दे रहा है
1 साल के अंदर
Vittaverse Scam broker not giving withdrawal
This Broker Scam me. I deposited $3150 to my Vittaverse wallet. I transferred my remaining funds from MT5 to my wallet so that I could withdraw my total of $4873 funds. I requested a withdrawal of $1700 and the withdrawal was declined. The reason for this decline was: ".." sent me in an email. Now what do these ".." 2 dots mean? no one knows, which means no reason. screenshot attached. Now I go to request the withdrawal again and when I log in I observe that they have deleted my wallet balance of $3500 and in history it was written "balance correction". Now I don't have funds in my wallet and I can not withdraw anything. Now I send emails to support to find the reason but the support team stops replying to my Emails. This broker is a total scam and they steal your funds blatantly and you can not do anything. I have all the proof and screenshots if someone needs that in detail he can contact me at my Email. I strongly recommend staying away from this scam broker and withdrawing.
पिछली पोस्ट
Vittaverse स्कैम $12534
VITTAVERSE इंटरनेशनल की
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