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1 साल के अंदर
the same issue happened to me .. susana. hi susana! I hope you are reading this comment I requested to close the account due to the broker susana was calling me all the time saying hi dear hi handsome how are you Today? on vacation I'll go to visit you to your country jaja I'm not too fool to believe it she was asking to invest more money , I started making an investment of $250 just $50 came back to my account . when requested to close the account I had $289 then the broker susana said in 5 business day you will get the money back ..after 7 days I checked the account out it was empty susana opened operations without my my permission and money faded away so financial department sent an email saying you opened operations and you lost the money ! .. I would not loose my time creating this comment wheter it were a lie .. Do not invest in this platform they are robbers ' tu dinero y ganancias no regresaran a tu cuenta jamas , cuida tu dinero que tanto te cuesta ganarlo dios
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