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1 साल के अंदर
I invest by nebulaforex.orgwithdrawal being held
Firstly I met one guy here in telegram and he referred me to nebulaforex to invest and I ask for it's legitness he said he's 💯 sure it's legit, then I start with 50$ after some month's try to withdraw my profit they said I should complete the minimum deposit to 100$ and I completed the said I can withdraw now I went to withdraw and I faced some challenges I came to them they said let the profit balance reach 1000$ that's the minimum withdrawal I wait for a days, after the profit reach 1700$ and i made the withdrawal but i didn't receive it After I made the withdrawal waiting for my profit I just notified that I should pay for gas fees that's was 52$ i paid after that I didn't receive it Omo I feel like dieying the come say remaining commission fees if I pay for commission I'll receive my profit immediately I paid for commission fees and I didn't receive it, I reached to them they I've delayed after all they're the one delayed me Any time if I try to pay something they'll respond.
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