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मैंने 1600 डॉलर से अधिक खो दिए हैं, वे विद्यमान नहीं हो रहे हैं।
1 साल के अंदर
I've lost above1600usd they're not release withdra
First They were asking just irs fee 110$, I've deposit 2nd they were asking about withdrawal fee, I've done, 3rd they were talking to change the withdraw currency because it's Pakistan baby, I've deposit more 90$, but they were confirmed me about it is last deposit and they assured me it is last deposit...and they are true it was my last deposit, because after deposit they are quite and I'm scamed by bimoceprime... Now they were showing to me withdraw score is 98% and I'm sure that they will demand more... So please guys stay away from these scammers.
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