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ब्रोकर की धारणाओं को चुनौती देना: 2019 में मेरा सकारात्मक ट्रेडिंग अनुभव
1-2 साल
Challenging Perceptions: My Positive Trading Experience with Broker in Question
Broker is not a bad option right now. I began 2019 with them. Although there were occasions when I felt they were scammers, they convinced me that they were not, and my time with them has been enjoyable since then. They are said to be awful by others. Are you certain about what you're saying? I've been trading with four pals on this broker, and I was even introduced to them while living in Kuwait, and it's been a positive experience thus far. I do encourage that folks trade with them; they are not as awful as some people here claim.
पिछली पोस्ट
लाभ में वृद्धि करें: ट्रेडिंग में बड़ा आरंभ करें, व्यक्तिगत अनुभव से सीखें
सतत उत्कृष्टता: दो महीनों की असाधारण ब्रोकरेज सेवाएं
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