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गुज़े मार्केट में निवेश करना: अनियंत्रित लेकिन विविध ट्रेडिंग क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ें
6-10 साल
हांग कांग
मध्यम टिप्पणियाँ
Venturing into Unregulated Guze Markets: A Broad Horizon with a Steep Entry
Hello trading peeps! Enterprising Bob here! Decided to take a leap into the enigmatic world of Guze Markets, but I feared it would be dark and full of terrors, as the old saying goes. No regulation! Makes you doubt the authenticity of the whole venture. But on the bright side, the market options are quite broad - you got forex, shares, commodities, and the big talk cryptocurrencies. Different accounts for different needs, I went for the Standard one and got me some spread starting from 1.2 pips. MT5 trading platform for PC and Android was a bonus, easy to navigate most times. A little sour about the $30 minimum deposit, would have been nicer if it was lower for beginners. Overall, not too shabby!
पिछली पोस्ट
गुज़े मार्केट्स परीक्षण: अनियमित भूमि में सतर्क साहसिकता
Guze Markets: मेरा अंतिम व्यापार समाधान - त्वरित जमा, त्वरित निकासी, सख्त स्प्रेड और उदार पुरस्कार
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
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Envi FX
Giraffe Markets
IVY Markets
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