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TradingView प्लेटफ़ॉर्म अनुभव: सहकर्मी ट्रेडरों से लाभ और हानि की तलाश
1-2 साल
यूनाइटेड किंगडम
TradingView Platform Experience: Seeking Pros & Cons from Fellow Traders
I choose ActivTrade just because of its flawless reputation among traders. Trading with a broker who has the status of a trustworthy and reliable broker was of utmost importance to me. In this short period of time trading here, they proved their professionalism. I have connected with their customer support team, and they are always prompt to answer any inquiries. However, I just noticed that they offer Tradingview as a platform for trading. I was using this platform for charting but never used it to execute my trades from here. Anyone with experience trading on this platform to share pros and cons?
पिछली पोस्ट
ActivTrader का Progressive Trailing Stop: जोखिम प्रबंधन को बढ़ाना, लाभ सुरक्षित करना
ActivTrades: एक मान्यता और विश्वसनीयता की एज है, लेकिन क्या पुराने ब्रोकर धीरे-धीरे गायब हो रहे हैं?
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