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पुराने ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म की अप्रत्याशित आकर्षण: नौसिखिया ट्रेडरों के लिए शिक्षात्मक वरदान
1 साल के अंदर
Outdated Trading Platform's Unexpected Charm: Educational Boon for Novice Traders
I am quite skeptical about the modernity of this trading platform, it looks a bit outdated, but at the same time it doesn't mean that this factor makes me deduct a point from the rating =) It's just a platform's highlight. Also, that one thing I am thankful to this broker for - Education Center. It came in handy for me when I entered the platform for the first time and even nowadays after a couple of weeks of trading I continue checking some basic courses. It's essential for me to stay in the loop and hone my skills.
पिछली पोस्ट
नए आने वाले ब्रोकर: iFOREX का अत्यधिक सहायता और शिक्षा
विशेषज्ञ समर्थन टीम: गहन दलाल ज्ञान, तत्पर सहायता
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
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