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Hong Kong
Ho aperto un conto presso l'Asia Pacific Bullion Company, un membro dell'Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange Field, n. 88, e ho depositato 10.443,73 USD per il trading. Il mio conto di trading è 308309800. In più di un mese ho realizzato solo un profitto di 6.610 dollari USA. Ho richiesto un prelievo di 9.053,73 dollari USA il 22 luglio 2022. Fino ad oggi non ho ancora ricevuto il prelievo. Lo stato del ritiro in background è sempre stato in fase di revisione e il ritiro non ha avuto alcun progresso e nessuna risposta, richiesta di tutela dei diritti.
Hong Kong
Il mio conto in Asia Pacific Bullion è 308309797. Il 9 e 10 maggio 2022 ho effettuato un deposito di 94,96+9402,18 dollari USA. Durante il periodo di scambio, ho vinto e perso. Dopo alcuni scambi, ho realizzato un piccolo profitto. Il 12 luglio ho inviato tutti i prelievi di 11.374,5 USD. Dopo aver inviato il prelievo, il denaro in MT4 è stato direttamente detratto. Lo stato di fondo del ritiro è sempre stato in fase di revisione. È lo stesso, quindi devo aspettare pazientemente, e non c'è risposta all'e-mail, quindi ho aspettato pazientemente fino ad oggi, sono passati più di due mesi e i fondi non sono arrivati, quindi posso solo iniziare a fare domanda per la tutela dei diritti. È una piattaforma di frode?
Hong Kong
Rapporto! Hong Kong Asia Pacific Gold Industry, Hong Kong Gold and Silver Industry Exchange Membro n.: 88, il ritiro dell'oro di questo mese non può essere ricevuto ed è stato dimostrato per molto tempo che è stato sottoposto a revisione per 1 settimana. C'è un serio problema con le condizioni operative dell'azienda e il recesso del cliente non può essere ricevuto. Si prega di aiutare a risolvere, grato!
Hong Kong
Il mio account è stato bloccato in 2 ore. Cosa posso fare?
Hong Kong
CGSE enshields scam Asia Pacific Bullion Limited which has scammed 4 billion RMB in total.
Hong Kong
The profit is unable to be withdrew. The request has been refused for 3 time. The customer service is out of contact.
Hong Kong
The instructor’s phone number has become blank.The customer service didn’t respond.I am still waiting for the withdrawal.When I made a loss,they asked me to close position!
Hong Kong
The platform opened brain-washing studio to incited clients to open an account and to join. They promised me profits, and gave reverse order recommendations, which causing me to lose more than 300,000! Bloody lesson!
Hong Kong
Total $4000 commission,of which I got $300 only.When I argued about this,the customer service and recipient passed the buck to each other.Hum,how interesting.
Hong Kong
Asia Pacific Bullion fraud platform asked for money when I wanted to check for the statement of hedging.I have never heard about this.
Hong Kong
The process of deposit is irregular, which flows into private accounts.At first,either gain or loss was possible.Later,some orders made a loss of 30% or 50%,some of which even 70%.Fraud platform and agent.
Hong Kong
I was added to a group in July 2018 to invest stock. However they turned out to speculated in gold, and I was defrauded of 200,000 yuan. Later, I found their so-called responsible person, and he promised me to compensate half of the losses. I agreed and thought anther half of losses as a lesson. They wrote a statement, saying that the compensation would be paid in five payments and I was not allowed to find a rights-protection company. I thought that it was silly to hire others to defend my rights if I could take the money back. But I did not expect that it was the platform’s another trap. Two days ago, they said that they had found a third party. I was muddled at first, and later, I looked at it carefully, finding that there was a problem with the photo. This photo only stated a person fromAisa Pacific Bullion Limited called Li Yang. Is it clearly that they don’t want to pay the rest compensation?
Hong Kong
I was invited to join the group to learn stocks in July 2018, but actually they were trading gold. I was cheated of 200,000 yuan. I later contacted what they called the responsible person. He promised me to pay half of my loss. I agreed, thinking the other half of the loss was a lesson. They wrote me a statement, which said the compensation would be paid in five payments, and it has been paid for two months until now. But there is a stipulation in the statement that I can't find a rights protection company. But this turned out to be a scam inside a scam of Aisa Pacific Bullion Limited. Two days ago, they said that I looked for a third-party complaint. I was a bit confused. After carefully reading the screenshots they gave, I found that there was a problem, because this screenshot only has the QQ number of a person named Li Yang from Aisa Pacific Bullion Limited (2852355876). They are scamming me, trying to avoid the rest of my money, and they even threatened me. Please keep your eyes open and not be fooled if you have been deceived or have already reported the case.
Hong Kong
At the beginning I invested in stocks. About a month later, they deliberately showed the profit of the gold trade they invested during the investment mentoring program, saying how much they earned each day. After that, they put the candlestick map of spot gold in the exchange group to explain. During the period, the stock market was in a downturn, so they lured me to buy spot gold to make big money. “Dawn” said that Aisa Pacific Bullion Limited has been established for more than 100 years, and there is a guarantee by Hong Kong Bank of Hong Kong for the funds of the third-party platform to ensure the absolute security of the funds. At the beginning, I just kept looking at their investment analysis classes and didn't dare to invest. They mobilized to sign up for the "100 Billion Club-Special Team" and said that there will be big market fluctuations at the end of each year, which will allow us to make big money. They asked me to sign up for the "End of the Year's Profit of 188% of the Battle" campaign. After that many people seem to want to participate. They deliberately set a limit of 500 places, and repeatedly urged us to say that the number of places is not much, and asked us to seize the time to register. They said that there are special investment teachers who will lead us to invest in the operation. We only need to invest according to the advice of the instructor. At this point, they provided me with the information of the account manager "Zhao Jie" of Aisa Pacific Bullion Limited (WeChat qpl931119, QQ2392910479). He sent me a link, helped me open an account remotely, and taught me how to do it. He said that each person is limited to 50,000 US dollars per year, and the excess funds are used to find other people to remit to the public account. He said that this method is a bit troublesome, and another method can give me a special deposit channel. I can get it within 2-4 hours. He asked me to make an account with Ping An Bank (Chen Hu, 6230580000186601774, Guangzhou Liuhua Branch) Make a remittance. He said that this channel is provided by companies that cross-border payment of Hong Kong foreign exchange with their company's perennial cooperation, absolutely no problem. Now my family is on the edge on broken.
Hong Kong
Aisa Pacific Bullion Limited scammed me to trade gold in the name of stocks. I suffered a great loss. When I complained, they told me they can’t provide me the information of their agents, which are financial secrets to them. Be alert, people!
Chukwuemeka Okafor
I requisiti di margine sono equi e trasparenti all'inizio, ma continuavano a chiedermi di depositare di più. Non so esattamente quanto capitale devo mantenere alla fine.
Regno Unito
Uno dei miei amici cinesi e io abbiamo consigliato questa compagnia, ma come straniero, i passaggi per aprire un conto e fare trading qui sembrano essere molto complicati.
Liam Wilson
Nuova Zelanda
La piattaforma mt4 è super fluida. Inoltre, chiudere più operazioni contemporaneamente è così facile. I depositi e i prelievi sono semplici. Proprio ciò di cui ho bisogno.