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Dico solo che fxgaint è IL PI GRANDE BROKER SCAM quindi per favore non mettere i tuoi soldi guadagnati duramente in questo broker. perché quando guadagni qui guadagni e lui non ti ha mai dato un prelievo. Come lo so di fxgaint. perché sto depositando qui $ 500 e quando guadagno qui profitto e ho messo la richiesta di prelievo, ha rifiutato il mio prelievo e sospeso il mio account. Questa è la mia vera esperienza che condivido con te, quindi per favore non unirti a questo broker. E puoi anche cercare in su fxgaint rivedere il suo SCAM BROKER e puoi vedere che molte recensioni perché non ha mai dato ritiro. Ha solo succhiato soldi alle persone innocenti. Il mio fxgaint ac no è 18043573 è il mio vero numero di ac, il mio profitto è di $ 721 e annulla il mio prelievo e sospende il mio account.
Mr. Rolex
With no other words then a SCAM broker. After some weeks that i was trading, without a explanation and notice FXGiants just disappear with all my profits opening a false position on EURUSD. After I complain they answer that my trades were off prices from LP, so i am playing in casino or i trade forex? How can i open a position on they MT4 with wrong prices? Thats mean they are fake and pure Market Maker, manipulating prices to their own benefit. On screenshot from them show 491.54$ profits but in reality i made 516.98 and they took all. After i ask for more evidences from LP they never answered back, plus they wanted to charge me 10% administration fee!!! STAYAWAY FROM THIS BROKER...
Chayaphat Na Phatthalung
After trading for one month, I applied for the withdrawal. But 111 withheld my 103 thousand dollars, giving no respond.
Hong Kong
I placed several orders of EUR.After applying for the withdrawal,I was declined by the reason of illegal trading and my profit was deducted compulsory.When I argued with the risk-management department,they said that they judged by experience,having no evidence!The customer service blocked me.No one answers my email anymore!
Hong Kong
From my account opening to being closed,I traded 458 lots in total,of which more than 440 lots making losses and the final 14 lots profiting of 17 thousand yuan.After the position lasting for 10 hours or so,I was told that I am trading illegally and the profit in my account will be deducted.The manager claimed that all my orders were illegal.Buy why you told to me when I was making profits instead of the former 440 lots?This fraud platform will ban your account and deduct your profits as long as you earn money.
Hong Kong
FXGiants didn’t reply my application for withdrawal and sealed my account.As a trader,I suspected that the platform’s wicked behavior was cheating our money.The platform also couldn’t ensure the fund safety.The staff there couldn’t explain for sealing my account deliberately.The withdrawal was still unavailable.It seems that it will run away with the money.
Hong Kong
The withdrawal in FXGiants was unavailable.My account was also sealed and failed to login.As a trader,I suspected that the platform’s wicked behavior was cheating our money.The platform also couldn’t ensure the fund safety,which led to my great losses.I will propaganda the platform’s disgusting behaviors to warn others to avoid being cheated until the fund and its gain been back to my account.
Hong Kong
With an excuse of wrong quotation, FXGiants refused my application for capital withdrawing, let alone gains. I don’t know about quotation errors, nor did I figure out what do they have to do with our investors. Besides, if my application was under investigation, why my account was been frozen. Is it a delay of game? FXGiants claims itself as a regular platform, but why didn’t you tell me the quotation is wrong when I suffered a great loss, and why did you reject my applications for withdrawing gains with different reasons ? With no more excuses, you have to approve my withdrawal of capital. It is only a waste of time for our traders to make deals on the platform. More deals ended up with losses only. Why you just complete capital when we lose? With high-sounding reasons, the platform violated the interest of our traders. Since you gave no explanation, I wonder that you have guaranteed a fair market and safe capital, in other word capital security only be promised with gains excluded. The so-called investigation was your excuse for buying more time. We traders can not do everything to prevent losses, but we did have rights to withdraw our gains. And the platform shouldn’t have refuse the withdrawal with any untenable excuse. Think twice before deposit in FXGiants.
CXM希盟招代理+V andynove
Hong Kong
Everyone should keep away from the fraud platform FXgiant, where you can’t get your profits. There is no any problem when you suffer losses, but when you get profits, problems are here and there. For example, the customer service personnel will accuse your trading practices of failing meeting the standards with different excuses. Though I have a normal holding period for every trade and haven’t been blamed for anything for the past few months, I was told of illegal trading when I applied for withdrawing money. They would not allow the withdrawal. Now they hide in Cyprus. The platform which offers a fast access to deposit and no access to withdraw. Be away from it, or you will be regretted.
Hong Kong
Chinese name of FXGiants is Juhui, which gives no access to withdrawal of profits by finding excuses.Don’t trust this fraud platform.
Hong Kong
I traded on BVCFX and made a profit. But the platform changed my account data. My 0.1 lot GBP/USD position was closed. That 13 pips slippage made me lose over $3000. Then they forced me to withdraw my principal and blocked me.
Hong Kong
I am a client of FXGiants, the official website It was granted n Australia full license, the regulatory number: 417482. Since I made profits, the platform has blocked my account, all profits are deducted. It forced me to withdraw the deposit. I only has a small fund, let alone large money! Do you dare to trade on such a platform?
丹姐(工商代办 纳税申报)
Sebbene questa compagnia offra ottime condizioni di trading, ho notato due grossi inconvenienti che mi impediscono di fare trading con essa. Innanzitutto, i modi per depositare e prelevare fondi sono piuttosto limitati. In secondo luogo, e più importante, non ci sono informazioni normative di sorta. Ci sono così tanti truffatori nel settore Forex e adotto un approccio molto attento con i miei soldi.
FXGiants ha una vasta selezione di metodi di pagamento e le loro piattaforme di trading, come MT4 e MT5, sono di prim'ordine. È facile depositare e prelevare fondi e le piattaforme sono user-friendly e ricche di funzionalità.