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Lời nói đầu:As a forex investor, you may be once ambitious to make a fortune through trading currencies, or have read piles of books on fundamental and technical analysis in order to grasp the tricks of the trade, yet back to reality, you simply can’t make profits or even keep losing money. You may blame it on yourself, thinking it’s because you’re not good enough, but the truth is you may be a victim of illegal brokers and have stepped into their traps.
As a forex investor, you may be once ambitious to make a fortune through trading currencies, or have read piles of books on fundamental and technical analysis in order to grasp the tricks of the trade, yet back to reality, you simply can‘t make profits or even keep losing money. You may blame it on yourself, thinking it’s because youre not good enough, but the truth is you may be a victim of illegal brokers and have stepped into their traps.
As forex market has no fixed spot for trading, investors need to trade through forex broker that serves as an intermediary in forex trading, and in many cases, the losses in investment can be attributed to the practices of illegal brokers. If you ever had any of the following situations:
Suffered loss due to misleading instructions of the brokers analyst;
The broker manipulated your account without authorization;
Suffered loss due to severe slippage or network delay of broker;
The broker failed to execute your stop-profit/ stop-loss order;
Couldn't make deposit and ended up in negative balance;
Couldn't access your account and ended up at loss;
The brokers chart looks different from that of others;
Suffered loss due to inexplicable “technical failures”.
You need to pay attention to these warning signs as they suggest high possibility of being defrauded.
The rapid development of the forex industry has led to a proliferation of forex brokers, which also include unqualified ones that attempt to attract investors through methods such as boosting advertising efforts. As an authoritative forex media, WikiFX has recorded profiles of over 13,000 forex brokers from over 30 countries across the world, covering nearly the whole industry. For investors who have started trading, you may easily check the compliance of your broker; and for those who are about to begin forex investment, WikiFX can help you chose a regulated and trustworthy broker by offering brokers information of all aspects.
If you find on the WikiFX App that the broker you‘re trading with has any irregularity or non-compliant practice, or you’re having trouble withdrawing from the broker, you can report the broker to WikiFX by providing trading account records and other information. WikiFX will publish an exposure article after reviewing the evidences provided, and try the best to help you recover your defrauded fund through legal measures and other available means.
As a leading media of the forex industry, WikiFX not only offers reliable and comprehensive forex information to investors, but also aspires to help investors fight illegal brokers and recover their defrauded fund, driven by a sense of justice. Stay tuned as we bring you the story of how WikiFX successfully helped investor get back the money swindled by illegal broker.
Miễn trừ trách nhiệm:
Các ý kiến trong bài viết này chỉ thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân của tác giả và không phải lời khuyên đầu tư. Thông tin trong bài viết mang tính tham khảo và không đảm bảo tính chính xác tuyệt đối. Nền tảng không chịu trách nhiệm cho bất kỳ quyết định đầu tư nào được đưa ra dựa trên nội dung này.
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Theo một chiến lược gia từ United Overseas Bank, động thái được dự đoán rộng rãi của Cục Dự trữ Liên bang Mỹ nhằm đẩy nhanh việc chấm dứt chương trình mua trái phiếu không có khả năng dẫn đến biến động trên thị trường châu Á, theo một chiến lược gia từ United Overseas Bank.
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