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  Forex trading enjoys significant popularity in Australia, with nearly 70 forex brokers holding Australian Financial Services licenses. A well-suited platform is vital for novice forex traders, offering a user-friendly interface, advanced trading tools, educational resources, and competitive pricing.

  In this article, we've selected a list of the best forex brokers for Australian beginners. We also analyzed the commonly popular forex trading platforms and trading apps.

Top 10 Best Forex Trading Platform for Beginners in Australia

A long-established Broker, Strictly Regulated by Multiple Regulatory Bodies in Various Jurisdictions, Offering Sufficient Reliability.

Over 80 Currency Tradable, Competitive Pricing Structure with Tight Spreads from 0 Pips.

A Multi-Regulated Big Player that renders you adequate Safety.

Enjoy the Ease of Withdrawal without any Additional Charges.

FCA-reguated broker with thousands of assets to choose from;

Offering a professional trading platform on both web and mobile devices.


Comparison of the Best Forex Trading Platform for Beginners in Australia

Forex Broker


Minimum Spread

Maximum Leverage

Minimum Deposit

Open account



Domestic Regulation
1:30 (Retail)/1:500 (Professional)
$100 AUD or equivalent





Forex Trading Knowledge Questions and Answers

How many types of trading software are there?

Trading software has completely transformed the way traders navigate financial markets. A diverse range of trading software caters to various trading styles, preferences, and objectives. Here are the main categories of trading software and their functions:

  Desktop-based Trading Software

   Desktop-based trading software is directly installed on a trader's computer or laptop.

   It offers a comprehensive trading platform with advanced charting tools, real-time market data, customizable indicators, and order execution capabilities.

   Professional traders often prefer it for its robust features and support for complex trading algorithms.

  Web-based Trading Software

   Web-based trading software, also known as online trading platforms, can be accessed through a web browser without any installation.

   These platforms provide traders with the flexibility to trade from any device with an internet connection.

   They typically offer essential features like real-time market data, order placement, and portfolio management. Social trading features for interaction with other traders are also common.

  Mobile Trading Applications

   Mobile trading applications have gained significant popularity due to the widespread use of smartphones.

   Traders can execute trades, monitor the market, and manage portfolios directly from their mobile devices.

   Mobile apps offer user-friendly interfaces, real-time market updates, price alerts, and the ability to place orders on the go, providing convenience and flexibility.

  Algorithmic Trading Software

   Algorithmic trading software, also known as automated trading systems or trading robots, utilizes pre-programmed algorithms to execute trades automatically.

   These systems follow specific trading strategies, analyze market conditions, and execute trades based on predefined rules.

   Algorithmic trading software serves both retail and institutional traders, offering efficiency, speed, and autonomous trade execution.

  Charting and Technical Analysis Software

   Charting and technical analysis software assist traders in analyzing market trends, patterns, and indicators.

   These tools offer comprehensive charting capabilities, technical indicators, and drawing tools to identify potential trading opportunities.

   They often integrate with other trading platforms, allowing traders to execute trades directly from the charts.

The wide variety of trading software ensures that traders have the tools they need to suit their trading style and preferences.

How many types of trading platform are there?

  Trading platforms can be divided into two categories: commercial platforms and proprietary platforms. Commercial platforms are geared toward day traders and individual investors in the retail market. They are distinguished by their user-friendliness and a variety of helpful features, including instructional information and research tools, live, interactive charts, real-time quotes, foreign news feeds, and live chart updates, among other things.

  On the other side, proprietary platforms are systems that have been customized by large brokerages and other financial institutions for their own internal trading activity. These platforms are used only by such organizations. The general public does not have access to these.

What are popular trading platforms suitable for beginners in Australia?

  Various trading platforms popping up on the markets to choose from. Amid such tough competition, it's only fair to mention a few individuals who stand out.

MeTaTrader 4

  MetaTrader 4 is the most popular forex trading platform on the market since it is simple to use and is ideal for novices. With the MT4 platform, traders have access to extensive charting tools, algorithmic trading (expert advisers), and a vast marketplace and trading community. Features of MT4 include the following:

  • An easy-to-use interface that can be customized

  • In-depth charting software for financial market analysis and market research

  • MQL4 programming language and Expert Advisors for automated FX trading

  • Optimization of trading techniques through single currency back-testing

  • Useful tools such as pending order type risk and money management

  Desktop, mobile, and web versions of the MT4 trading platform are available for Mac and Windows PCs, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices.

MetaTrader 5

  As with MT4, MetaTrader 5 can be used as a desktop trading platform, a mobile trading app, or a web trading platform. MetaQuotes' newest edition, MetaTrader 5, aims to deliver an excellent trading experience. MT5 has a greater selection of pending order types than MT4 for hedged positions. MT5's exceptional features offer a brand-new trading experience that includes cutting-edge tools and trading that has been streamlined. The MQL5 programming language makes it easy for traders to customize their workspace while employing EAs to automate trading. MetaTrader 5's most notable features and advantages:

  • Extended charting tools with 38 inbuilt technical indicators and 21 timeframe

  • Optimized processing speeds for ultra-fast order execution and minimal slippage

  • Hedging and netting allowed

  • Built-in economic calendar

  • Automated trading: Expert Advisors with the MQL5 programming language

  • Multi-currency back testing

  • Compatible with Auto chartist and Smart Trader Tools package


  cTrader is a powerful trading platform that allows for custom coding, fast order entry, and fast order execution for traders. Pepperstone's cTrader platform comes equipped with educational information and analysis tools to assist traders in making better judgments in the foreign exchange markets, while the platform's advanced risk management capabilities guard traders against negative balances. It was developed by Spotware, and cTrader is one of the most widely used systems for trading in the Forex market.

Ninja Trader

  NinjaTrader is a powerful trading platform with advanced analytical and automated charting features. In addition to pre-loaded chart styles with hundreds of technical indicators, the platform has a variety of creative drawing tools for charts.

  Traders who use NinjaTrader can view numerous markets and periods simultaneously on a single chart, ensuring that no market trends are missed. Traders can quickly and simply configure hundreds of indicators, allowing for an efficient trading environment.

What trading platforms offered by reputable forex brokers in the Australia?

① provides a proprietary WebTrader platform, which offers a user-friendly interface with advanced charting tools, real-time market data, and seamless trade execution directly from your browser. 

For traders on the go, offers mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Additionally, supports TradingView, a powerful charting and social trading platform favored by many traders for its intuitive design and extensive community features. 

For those who prefer MetaTrader, offers both MT4 and MT5, allowing access to a wide range of tools, indicators, and automated trading capabilities. trading platforms

② AvaTrade

  AvaTrade is a leader in algorithmic trading and supports the industry-leading MT4 and MT5 trading platforms. Additionally, AvaTrade Mobile App for traders to trade on the go, WebTrader for traders who prefers to trade directly on the web, AvaSocial for social/copy trading, AvaOptions for options trading, and DupliTrade for automated trading are all available.

AvaTrade's trading platforms

③ CMC Markets

  CMC Markets provides their proprietary CMC Web platform, which is highly customizable, featuring advanced charting tools, a wide selection of technical indicators, and an intuitive interface that makes navigation seamless.

For traders on the move, CMC Markets offers mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing users to monitor their accounts, access market data, and execute trades anytime, anywhere.

Additionally, CMC Markets supports the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, which is favored for its robust features and extensive automated trading capabilities. 

CMC Markets platforms


  FXCM offers a wide range of trading platforms, with a strong emphasis on algorithmic trading, available to its customers. Trades can employ the proprietary Trading Station, apitalise AI, as well as MT4. FXCM provides all new customers with a free year of TradingView Pro services, and social traders can connect to ZuluTrade using that service. The charting package, extensive support for automated trading solutions, powerful indicators, and free market data are all included in Trading Station.


⑤ FP Markets

  FP Markets provides the widely used MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), both offering advanced charting capabilities, a variety of technical indicators, and support for automated trading through Expert Advisors.

For those seeking a more comprehensive trading experience, FP Markets offers Iress, a professional trading platform that delivers advanced charting tools and in-depth market analysis.

Additionally, the WebTrader option allows users to trade directly from their browsers, ensuring quick access without the need for downloads.

Mobile trading is also supported through dedicated apps for iOS and Android, enabling traders to manage their accounts and execute trades on the go. 

FP Markets MT4/5
FP Markets Iress & WebTrader

FP Markets Mobile App

⑥ Pepperstone

  When it comes to Pepperstone's trading software and technology, performance is just one of several factors that matter. MT4, MT5, cTrader, TradingView, and Pepperstone Trading Platform are all available in numerous versions so that you can tailor your trading strategy to suit your personal preferences.


⑦ IC Markets Global

  IC Markets provides the complete suite of MT4/MT5, cTrader and TradingView trading software. The MT4 Advanced Trading Tools are another feature that is included. Traders might gain an advantage over the competition by using one of the twenty trading tools available. Retail accounts are managed using the MAM/PAMM packages, while algorithmic trading is supported by the VPS hosting. Additionally, Myfxbook Autotrade and ZuluTrade can be used to copy trade on IC Markets' copy trading platform.

IC Markets

⑧ IG

  There are other trading platforms available, including online trading platform, mobile trading app, progressive web app, ProRealTime, L2 Dealer, as well as the industry-leading MT4 platform. 


⑨ EightCap

  MetaTrader 4 and MT5 platforms, both of which have a wealth of advanced features and tools, are available to traders via Eightcap. It is possible to monitor pricing in real time, access an account, and receive push notifications and chats via the proprietary platform.


⑩ XM

  XM provides the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms, available for PC, Mac, WebTrader, iPhone, Android, and iPad devices. These platforms are renowned for their user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and extensive range of technical indicators. 

XM's platforms

What features should a trading platform include for beginners?

  The features you require in your day trading software are influenced by your experience level and trading strategy.

  For novice traders, certain essential traits include:

  •   Zero Commissions and Fees: Since day traders often conduct numerous transactions in a day, commission costs can quickly accumulate.

  •   Demo Account: A demo account allows potential customers and new traders to familiarize themselves with the trading platform and its features before committing to a live account.

  •   Exceptional Order Processing: Quality execution ensures swift trade completion at a low cost.

  •   Intuitive Interface: An easy-to-use desktop or mobile software is crucial to avoid losses or missed opportunities caused by delays during trade execution.

  •   Real-Time Pricing Data: Access to up-to-date pricing data is vital for making quick decisions while trading in real-time.

  •   Indicators: Look for charts with a variety of indicators that can be customized to display the technical aspects relevant to your trading strategy.

  •   Before implementing your plan, it's advisable to simulate how it would have performed in the past. Some software allows you to conduct comprehensive backtesting in one place.

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