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Bulgaria|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| MT4 Full License| Regional Brokers| High potential risk


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name MT4
Server Location Germany


+359 2 815 56 60
София 1407 бул. Никола Й. Вапцаров №51A, ет. 1


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

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Operating Period
5-10 years
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Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company Website
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Full License MT4
MT4 Servers
MT5 Servers
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Formal full license MT4/5 traders will have sound system services and follow-up technical support. Generally, their business and technology are relatively mature and their risk control capabilities are strong

Meta Trader 4

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Company Summary

Name Up Trend EOOD
Established 1997
Location Bulgaria
Services Investment brokerage, financial consultations,
investment banking, trust management
Trading Platform COBOS electronic system
Fees and Commissions Not provided
Asset Protection Securities Investor Compensation Fund
Personalized Service Yes
Partnerships Thomson Reuters, Capital IQ, Factset Research
Systems, Bloomberg
Regulatory Compliance Operates within the European Union and
European Economic Area


Up Trend EOOD claims to be a licensed investment intermediary based in Bulgaria since 1997. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Despite asserting their membership with the Bulgarian Stock Exchange and Central Depository, the legitimacy of their operations remains questionable. The company purports to manage assets and provide advisory services to a diverse clientele, but their actual track record and success rate are unknown.

While Up Trend EOOD boasts about their economic and corporate analyses being widely covered in the media, the extent of their influence and credibility in the financial industry is doubtful. Their partnerships with renowned financial data providers such as Thomson Reuters, Capital IQ, Factset Research Systems, and Bloomberg are also unsubstantiated and lack any verifiable proof.

Moreover, Up Trend EOOD alleges to hold a license to operate within the European Union and the European Economic Area, but there is no evidence to confirm this claim. The absence of a valid license raises concerns about their compliance with regulatory standards and their ability to serve clients across different jurisdictions effectively.

In conclusion, the reputation and reliability of Up Trend EOOD as an investment intermediary are questionable due to the lack of proof for their claimed licenses, memberships, and partnerships. Potential clients should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging in any financial dealings with this company.



Up Trend EOOD claims to provide a range of services related to investment, financial consultations, and investment banking. However, considering the lack of concrete evidence for their licenses and partnerships, the reliability of these services is questionable. Here are the services they allegedly offer:

  1. Investment Brokerage:

    Up Trend EOOD supposedly allows independent trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange through the COBOS electronic system. However, without verifiable proof of their membership and authorization, the security and trustworthiness of this trading platform are uncertain. They also claim to manage clients' cash by investing in various financial instruments, but their actual success and expertise in this area remain unverified.

  2. Unclear Fees and Commissions:

    While Up Trend EOOD claims to offer competitive and transparent fees and commissions for transactions conducted on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the lack of transparency surrounding their operations makes it difficult to evaluate the fairness and reasonableness of their pricing structure.

  3. Questionable Personalized Service:

    Up Trend EOOD asserts that they provide personalized service and understand their clients' needs. However, without a proven track record and verifiable customer testimonials, it is challenging to determine the quality and effectiveness of their customer service.

  4. Dubious Asset Protection:

    The company claims to protect client assets through a Securities Investor Compensation Fund. However, without credible evidence of their regulatory compliance and membership, the reliability and effectiveness of this compensation fund are uncertain. Clients may be exposed to significant risks if the company fails to fulfill its obligations due to financial reasons.

  5. Unverified Financial Consultations:

    Up Trend EOOD alleges to offer financial analyses and consultations for companies traded on the Bulgarian capital market. However, the lack of credible proof for their expertise and media coverage raises doubts about the accuracy and reliability of their financial insights and recommendations.

  6. Ambiguous Investment Banking Services:

    Up Trend EOOD claims to provide investment banking services encompassing various areas such as project financing, debt management, acquisition of corporate control, and development of investment strategies. However, the absence of verifiable success stories and client references makes it difficult to assess the competence and effectiveness of these services.

In summary, the range of services claimed by Up Trend EOOD raises concerns due to the lack of concrete evidence to support their licenses, partnerships, and expertise. Potential clients should approach their services with caution and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure the reliability and credibility of the company before engaging in any financial transactions.


Trust Management:

UP TREND EOOD claims to offer trust management services, allowing clients to entrust their funds to professionals for investment selection. However, given the lack of verifiable licenses and track record, the reliability and expertise of these professionals are questionable. Here are the three profiles they allegedly offer:

  1. Risk (Aggressive) Profile:

    According to UP TREND EOOD, up to 90% of the funds are invested in capital securities primarily traded on a regulated market. However, without concrete evidence of their capabilities and success in achieving favorable risk/return ratios, clients may be exposed to significant risks with uncertain outcomes.

  2. Balanced Profile:

    The balanced profile supposedly involves allocating up to 60% of the funds in equity securities and up to 40% in debt instruments. However, the absence of verifiable performance data and benchmarks raises doubts about the effectiveness and accuracy of their portfolio evaluations.

  3. Conservative (Low Risk) Profile:

    Under the conservative profile, UP TREND EOOD claims to predominantly invest funds in corporate and state-guaranteed debt instruments. However, without credible evidence of their risk assessment capabilities and track record, clients may question the reliability and actual risk level associated with these investments.

While UP TREND EOOD presents these different risk profiles, their ability to deliver tailored investment solutions that align with clients' risk tolerance and investment objectives remains unverified. Clients should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before entrusting their funds to UP TREND EOOD or relying on their investment recommendations.

In conclusion, the trust management services offered by UP TREND EOOD lack the necessary proof and credibility to instill confidence in potential clients. Without verifiable licenses, track record, and performance data, clients should approach these services with skepticism and seek alternative reputable investment options.


Customer Support:

Up Trend EOOD claims to offer customer support through various channels. However, given the lack of verifiable licenses and credibility, the reliability and effectiveness of their customer support services are questionable. Here is their alleged customer support information:

Contact Information:

  • Phone: Up Trend EOOD provides phone support at +359 2 815 56 60 or +359 2 815 56 66. However, without concrete evidence of their legitimacy and track record, clients may question the quality and reliability of the support they offer.

  • Email: Clients can supposedly reach out to Up Trend EOOD's customer support team via email at However, without verifiable credentials and proof of their operations, the responsiveness and reliability of their email support remain uncertain.

  • Office Address: The company claims to have a physical office located at Sofia 1407, Nikola Y. Vaptsarov Blvd. No. 51A, 1st floor. However, without tangible evidence, clients may question the legitimacy and actual accessibility of their office.

Customer Support Services:

Up Trend EOOD asserts that their customer support team provides assistance with various matters, including account support, trading support, technical assistance, information, clarifications, and general inquiries. However, the lack of verifiable credentials and customer testimonials raises doubts about the expertise and effectiveness of their customer support services.

In conclusion, the customer support services offered by Up Trend EOOD lack the necessary proof and credibility to inspire confidence in potential clients. Without verifiable licenses and a proven track record, clients should approach their customer support services with caution and consider seeking alternative sources of assistance for their investment-related inquiries and concerns.



Up Trend EOOD claims to be a reputable investment intermediary based in Bulgaria, offering various services such as investment brokerage, financial consultations, investment banking, and trust management. However, the actual reliability and credibility of the company remain uncertain, as there is a lack of concrete evidence to support their claims.

While Up Trend EOOD asserts that they have a long-standing presence in the Bulgarian market and hold memberships with key financial institutions, the absence of verifiable licenses and track record raises doubts about their credibility and legitimacy. Clients should exercise caution and thoroughly research the company before entrusting their investments.

The alleged advantage of Up Trend EOOD's competitive and transparent fee structure for transactions conducted on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange may seem appealing. However, without verifiable proof of their pricing and execution quality, clients may question the actual value and fairness of their fees.

Similarly, the personalized service approach claimed by Up Trend EOOD may appear attractive, but the lack of credible customer testimonials and evidence of their ability to deliver tailored solutions casts doubt on the effectiveness of their personalized approach.

While partnerships with financial data providers like Thomson Reuters, Capital IQ, Factset Research Systems, and Bloomberg are mentioned, the extent of these partnerships and the actual benefits they provide are unsubstantiated. Clients should be wary of relying solely on these claimed partnerships as a measure of the company's credibility.

The trust management services offered by Up Trend EOOD may seem convenient for clients who prefer a hands-off approach. However, without verifiable proof of their expertise in selecting suitable investments and achieving favorable risk/return ratios, clients may question the actual value and effectiveness of these services.

It's crucial for clients to carefully consider the risks involved in investments and assess their own risk tolerance and investment objectives before engaging with Up Trend EOOD or any investment intermediary. Additionally, the company's compliance with regulatory standards within different jurisdictions should be thoroughly evaluated.

In conclusion, the credibility and reliability of Up Trend EOOD as an investment intermediary remain questionable due to the lack of verifiable evidence supporting their claims. Clients should exercise extreme caution and conduct extensive research before engaging in any financial dealings with the company.


Q: How long has Up Trend EOOD been operating?

A: Up Trend EOOD claims to have been operating since 1997, but without concrete evidence, the actual duration and credibility of their operations are questionable.

Q: What services does Up Trend EOOD provide?

A: Up Trend EOOD alleges providing investment brokerage, financial consultations, investment banking, and trust management services. However, the lack of verifiable proof raises doubts about the reliability and effectiveness of these services.

Q: Can I trust Up Trend EOOD for independent trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange?

A: While Up Trend EOOD claims to provide independent trading access, the lack of tangible evidence regarding licenses and operations raises concerns about the security and legitimacy of their platform.

Q: Are the fees and commissions reasonable with Up Trend EOOD?

A: Without verifiable proof and comparisons, it is difficult to assess the actual fairness and reasonableness of their pricing structure.

Q: How reliable is the protection of client assets with Up Trend EOOD?

A: Up Trend EOOD claims to protect client assets through a Securities Investor Compensation Fund. However, without verifiable evidence of regulatory compliance and membership, the reliability and effectiveness of this protection remain uncertain.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • MT4 Full License
  • Regional Brokers
  • High potential risk
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