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United States|5-10 years|
Regulated in United States|Common Financial Service License|Suspicious Scope of Business|United Kingdom Investment Advisory License Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Influence index NO.1

Mexico 2.70
Surpassed 15.40% brokers
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+44 203 319 1974
Keywords 8
5-10 years
Regulated in United States
Common Financial Service License
Suspicious Scope of Business
United Kingdom Investment Advisory License Revoked
United Kingdom Appointed Representative(AR) Revoked
Suspicious Overrun
High potential risk
Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

Basic Information

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United States
Operating period
5-10 years
Company Name
The SCB Group
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Biz Area
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name SCB Group
Registered Country United Kingdom
Founded Year 2006
Regulation Revoked by the FCA, exceeded by the NFA
Market Instruments Low carbon commodities, including biofuels, ethanol, UCOME, UCO, German blending quota, RINs, LCFS, Black Sea Wheat, Black Sea Corn, Brazilian Soybean, rice, methanol, lithium, cobalt etc.
Trading Platforms Bloomberg, Refinitiv Eikon, Barchart Cmdty
Customer Support Global offices with direct phone (+44 203 319 1974) and email contact
Educational Resources Market data access information available

Overview of SCB

The SCB Group, established in 2006 and based in the United Kingdom, operates as a key participant in the low carbon commodity market, delivering independent, end-of-day, and real-time price information.

Specializing in market instruments like biofuels, ethanol, UCOME, UCO, German blending quota, RINs, LCFS, agricultural products, and energy derivatives, SCB serves as a significant player in the sustainable commodities sector.

The company places emphasis on sustainability and climate action, offering services such as carbon compensation, energy attribution certificates, and integrity assurance. SCB's market data services cover a diverse array of commodities, providing essential real-time prices for risk management, compliance, market analysis, and investment portfolios.

The company plays a role in supporting climate initiatives and environmental sustainability, aligning with its commitment to promoting a low carbon future.

Overview of SCB

Is SCB legit or a scam?

The Financial Conduct Authority, a regulatory agency in the United Kingdom, has revoked the licenses of two entities under SCB & Associates. The first, an Appointed Representative (AR) license with number 610633, was held by SCB & Associates S.A. since November 20, 2013. The second, an Investment Advisory License with number 592324, was held by SCB & Associates Limited since July 1, 2013.

Is SCB legit or a scam?
Is SCB legit or a scam?

Additionally, in the United States, the National Futures Association lists an “Exceeded” status for SCB BROKERS SA's Common Financial Service License, numbered 0510531. These regulatory actions significantly impact traders on the platform, as they indicate a loss of official endorsement and oversight, potentially affecting the trust and operational integrity of SCB & Associates' various entities.

Is SCB legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Specialization in low carbon commodity markets Not regulated
Access to real-time and end-of-day market data Limited information on payment methods and fees
Global presence with multiple office locations Primarily serves institutional and professional clients, rather than individual retail traders
Diverse product range including Biofuels and Ethanol
Data accessibility via platforms like Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon


  • Specialization in Low Carbon Markets: SCB's dedication to low-carbon commodities like biofuels and ethanol addresses a specialized market, delivering tailored services and comprehensive market data.

  • Real-time Data Access: They offer up-to-date market data, crucial for informed trading decisions in fast-paced commodity markets.

  • Global Presence: Multiple offices worldwide indicate a broad operational scope, enhancing their market reach and client service.

  • Diverse Product Range: A variety of products meets diverse client needs in commodity trading.

  • Data Accessibility: Integration with platforms like Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon facilitates easy data access for clients.


  • Not Regulated: The absence of regulatory information will raise concerns about oversight and client protection.

  • Limited Payment Information: Lack of clarity on payment methods and fees could be a drawback for potential clients.

  • Focus on Institutional Clients: Their services are tailored more towards professional and institutional clients, not retail traders.

Products and Services

The SCB Group specializes in various trading assets within the agricultural market. Cleared Futures, Options, and OTC Swaps are their primary offerings, providing clients with traditional and innovative financial products. They are particularly known for Black Sea Wheat/Corn, Ukrainian Sunflower Oil, and Brazilian Soybeans Swaps, highlighting their focus on specialized commodities. These assets cater to a diverse clientele, including trade houses, banks, and hedge funds. SCB's expertise lies in navigating these markets with a strong emphasis on risk management and market transparency. For more information, visit their website here.

Products and Services

Carbon Solutions

SCB's Carbon Solutions focus on climate action and sustainability, providing companies with streamlined and cost-effective initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint.

Carbon Solutions

The Pathway to Sustainability emphasizes the importance of companies taking action to protect the planet, enhance customer trust, attract investors, gain a competitive edge, and claim renewable energy consumption. SCB offers bespoke services aligned with clients' sustainability strategies, covering emission calculations, sustainability targets, and compensation of emissions.

The Carbon Solutions include three key services: Carbon Compensation, leveraging SCB's global network of high-quality projects supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals; Energy Attribution Certificates (EACs) sourced from various technologies and geographies; and Assurance of Integrity, encompassing guarantees like SCB Safeguard and Carbon Portal to simplify sustainability requirements. SCB engages in diverse climate avoidance projects worldwide, from renewable energy initiatives to forest conservation.

Carbon Solutions

The SCB Carbon Compensate API enables companies to offset carbon emissions from internal or customer transactions. With scalable calculators for different industries, the API facilitates accurate measurement and offsetting of carbon footprints. SCB emphasizes transparency, offering certificates for every purchase to document customers' commitment to sustainability. The API serves businesses of all sizes, demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility and building trust with environmentally-conscious consumers. Through its comprehensive approach, SCB's Carbon Solutions contribute to fostering a low-carbon future.

Carbon Solutions

SCB Market Data

SCB Market Data serves as a prominent independent provider of end-of-day and real-time price information within the low carbon commodity market. The platform offers real-time prices for various commodities, including Biofuels, Ethanol, UCOME, UCO, German blending quota, RINs, LCFS, Black Sea Wheat, Black Sea Corn, Brazilian Soybean, Rice, Methanol, Lithium, Cobalt, and more. Daily updates ensure that market participants have access to current pricing information.

SCB Market Data

Access to SCB Market Data is available through renowned financial platforms such as Bloomberg, Refinitiv Eikon, and Barchart.

The data is sourced in real-time from SCB's broking and Matched Principal Carbon desks, providing clients with high-quality, accurate, and timely information. This data serves diverse purposes, including risk and compliance management, market analysis, contract benchmarking, and portfolio investment.

SCB Market Data covers major OTC markets, encompassing biodiesel, ethanol, methanol, waste fuels, battery materials, agricultural markets, obligatory and voluntary renewable credits, energy derivatives, and liquefied natural gas.

The platform's datasets are accessible through various technologies and platforms, ensuring flexibility for clients' specific needs.

SCB Market Data

Customer Support

SCB Group offers a global customer support network with offices in Nyon, Puerto Rico, London, Chicago, and Singapore. They provide direct phone lines and email enquiry options for each location, ensuring clients can easily contact their nearest office. Additionally, there is a contact form available on their website for general enquiries. This setup indicates a commitment to accessibility and responsiveness.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

The SCB Group's educational resources on market data focus on providing comprehensive and real-time data for various commodities. These resources include detailed market data for Biofuels, Ethanol, and other low carbon commodities, accessible through platforms like Bloomberg, Refinitiv Eikon, and Barchart. SCB also offers bespoke datasets tailored to specific client needs. This data is crucial for informed decision-making in trading and investment.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, SCB stands as a prominent participant in the low carbon commodity market, offering comprehensive market instruments such as biofuels, ethanol, and energy derivatives.

With a focus on sustainability, the company provides essential services in carbon compensation, energy attribution certificates, and integrity assurance. SCB's commitment to environmental responsibility is evident through its support for climate initiatives and diverse climate avoidance projects worldwide. Additionally, the company's market data services contribute to effective risk management, compliance, and market analysis.

However, it is crucial to note that SCB has faced regulatory challenges, including having its license revoked by the FCA and exceeding limits set by the NFA, which impact its standing and reliability in the industry. Stakeholders should carefully consider these regulatory aspects when evaluating SCB's offerings.


Q: What does SCB Group specialize in?

A: SCB Group specializes in low carbon commodity markets and provides real-time market data.

Q: SCB's main focus in terms of clients?

A: SCB primarily serves professional and institutional clients, with a focus on the niche market of low-carbon commodities such as biofuels and ethanol, providing specialized services and market data to this specific clientele.

Q: How can SCB's market data be accessed?

A: SCB's market data is accessible via platforms like Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon.


  • 5-10 years
  • Regulated in United States
  • Common Financial Service License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • United Kingdom Investment Advisory License Revoked
  • United Kingdom Appointed Representative(AR) Revoked
  • Suspicious Overrun
  • High potential risk
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