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Interstellar Forex

China|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index



No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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2-5 years
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Interstellar Forex
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Feature Interstellar Forex
Company Name Interstellar Forex
Registered In Belize
Regulated Unregulated
Years of Establishment 2018
Trading Instruments Forex, Commodities, Indices, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Standard, ECN, VIP
Minimum Initial Deposit None (Standard), $500 (ECN), $10,000 (VIP)
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:1000
Minimum Spread Starting from 0.2 pips
Trading Platform MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Deposit and Withdrawal Method Credit/Debit Cards, Wire Transfers, E-wallets

Overview of Interstellar Forex

Interstellar Forex is a relatively new forex broker established in 2018 that offers a variety of trading instruments and account types, including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. While it appears to offer competitive spreads, a range of account types, and high leverage up to 1:1000, it's important to note that the broker currently lacks valid regulation.

This absence of oversight poses significant risks to traders, particularly in the areas of fund security and fair trading practices, making it a less secure option compared to other well-regulated brokers in the market. Therefore, potential traders should exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with Interstellar Forex.

Overview of Interstellar Forex

Is Interstellar Forex Legit or a Scam?

While Interstellar Forex initially claimed to be regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Belize (FSCB), it has been recently verified that the broker currently holds no valid regulation. This raises a red flag for potential investors, as regulation is a cornerstone of credibility and security in the financial trading sector. Being unregulated opens up traders to a higher level of risk, including potential loss of funds without avenues for legal recourse.

Although initially considered legitimate due to its purported regulation, the lack of valid regulation at this time significantly undermines its credibility. Therefore, traders should exercise extreme caution and conduct extensive due diligence before opening an account with Interstellar Forex or any unregulated entity.

Pros and Cons of Interstellar Forex

Pros Cons
Wide Range of Trading Instruments Lack of Regulation
Variety of Account Types Relatively New Company
Competitive Spreads and Commissions Limited Customer Support
Fast Withdrawals


  1. Wide Range of Trading Instruments: Interstellar Forex offers an expansive portfolio of trading instruments including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. This variety allows traders to diversify their portfolios easily.

  2. Variety of Account Types: The broker offers different account types—Standard, ECN, and VIP—catering to traders with varying levels of experience and investment capital.

  3. Competitive Spreads and Commissions: Despite being unregulated, Interstellar Forex offers competitive spreads and commissions, particularly for those using ECN accounts.

  4. Fast Withdrawals: The broker promises fast withdrawals, which is an attractive feature for traders who prioritize liquidity.


  1. Lack of Regulation: The most significant downside is that the broker is not regulated, which exposes traders to unnecessary financial and legal risks.

  2. Relatively New Company: Established only in 2018, Interstellar Forex has not had enough time to build a robust track record, which combined with the lack of regulation, makes it a risky choice.

  3. Limited Customer Support: They offer only a few options for customer support, which could be problematic for traders who encounter issues that require immediate attention.

Market Instruments

Interstellar Forex provides a variety of market instruments for traders to choose from. For forex, it offers over 60 currency pairs, which is quite expansive and likely to cover most traders' needs. Additionally, it features commodities like gold, silver, and oil, giving traders multiple options for portfolio diversification.

Indices such as the US30 and UK100 are also available, as well as an array of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. This wide range of options can be both an advantage and a double-edged sword—more instruments mean more opportunities but also more variables to manage, especially for novice traders.

Account Types

Interstellar Forex offers a suite of account types to cater to traders of varying needs. However, the lack of regulation casts a shadow over the integrity and safety of all account types.

  1. Standard Account: This is the entry-level account with no minimum deposit requirement, aimed at novice traders.

  2. ECN Account: For more seasoned traders, the ECN account offers lower spreads and commissions but requires a minimum deposit of $500.

  3. VIP Account: Tailored for high-volume traders, this account offers the lowest spreads and commissions but requires a considerable minimum deposit of $10,000.

The lack of regulation means that, regardless of the account type chosen, traders are taking on considerable risk. As such, extreme caution should be exercised.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Interstellar Forex involves a fairly straightforward process, similar to other online brokers.

Step 1: Visit the Website

Navigate to the official Interstellar Forex website using your web browser. Look for the “Open Account” button, usually located at the top-right corner of the homepage, and click on it.

Step 2: Complete the Registration Form

Fill in the required personal information in the registration form. This will typically include your full name, email address, country of residence, and phone number.

Step 3: Set Your Login Credentials

Create a username and a strong password for your new trading account. Make sure to choose a password that is both strong and unique to enhance the security of your account.

Step 4: Submit Identification Documents

You may be required to submit identification documents for verification purposes. This can include a government-issued ID and proof of residence, such as a utility bill. Check the website or contact customer service to know exactly what documents are needed.

Step 5: Fund Your Account

Once your account and identity are verified, you can proceed to deposit funds into your trading account. Choose your preferred deposit method from the available options like credit/debit cards, wire transfers, or e-wallets and follow the instructions to complete the deposit process.


Interstellar Forex offers traders the opportunity to trade with up to 1:1000 leverage, a feature that can amplify both profits and losses. Leverage is a powerful tool that can significantly impact your trading strategy and outcomes. However, it is important to remember that higher leverage also translates to higher risk. Unregulated brokers offering high leverage might be trying to lure in traders who may not fully understand the risks involved. Considering that the broker is unregulated, traders should be extra cautious when utilizing leverage with Interstellar Forex.


Spreads & Commissions

Interstellar Forex offers relatively competitive spreads and commissions, but these should not overshadow the inherent risks involved with trading through an unregulated broker. Spreads on the EUR/USD currency pair start as low as 0.2 pips for ECN accounts and 0.4 pips for standard accounts. For ECN accounts, the commissions are $5 per lot per side. Standard accounts do not carry any commissions. While these terms may appear attractive, traders should consider whether the benefits outweigh the substantial risks posed by the lack of regulation.

Trading Platform

Interstellar Forex provides traders with access to the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform. MT4 is a widely-used platform known for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and a range of available indicators. While the platform itself is reputable, the reliability of its usage with an unregulated broker becomes questionable. Traders should exercise caution and perhaps look for other regulated brokers that also offer MT4 as a platform.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

The broker offers various methods for depositing and withdrawing funds, including credit/debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets. Withdrawals are usually processed within 24 hours, according to the company. However, the lack of regulation could put your funds at risk, and there may be little to no legal recourse should issues arise. Always remember to read the fine print and be aware of any hidden fees or conditions.

Customer Support

Interstellar Forex claims to provide customer support via live chat, email, and phone, and they state that their support is available 24/5. Customer support can be an essential part of your trading experience, especially when you encounter issues that require immediate resolution. However, with limited customer support options and the absence of regulatory oversight, it would be prudent to approach this broker with caution.

Educational Resources

Interstellar Forex offers various educational resources like webinars, articles, and video tutorials aimed at enriching the trader's knowledge and skills. While educational content can be beneficial, especially for beginners, the value of these resources is somewhat undermined by the broker's unregulated status.

By providing a comprehensive view of Interstellar Forex, including its lack of valid regulation, traders can hopefully make more informed decisions. The absence of regulation is a significant risk factor that should not be taken lightly, and as such, extreme caution is advised when considering this broker.

Brokers Comparison

The comparison between Interstellar Forex, eToro, and offers a quick snapshot for traders to evaluate different brokers based on key criteria.

Feature Interstellar Forex eToro
Registered In Belize Cyprus, UK, Australia U.S., UK, Canada
Regulated Unregualted CySEC, FCA, ASIC NFA, FCA, CIMA
Years of Establishment 2018 2007 1999
Trading Instruments Forex, Commodities, Indices, Cryptocurrencies Forex, Commodities, Indices, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks Forex, Commodities, Indices
Account Types Standard, ECN, VIP Retail, Professional Standard, Commission
Minimum Initial Deposit None (Standard), $500 (ECN), $10,000 (VIP) $200 (Varies by country) $50


While Interstellar Forex appears to have a variety of features that could attract traders, such as a wide range of trading instruments, competitive spreads, and high leverage, the lack of valid regulation is a major concern. Regulation is not just a stamp of approval; it's a framework within which brokers must operate to ensure fair practices and security of trader funds.

Regulated brokers like XM and FXTM have to adhere to stringent guidelines that provide a level of security to traders, something that an unregulated broker cannot offer. Therefore, traders should consider all these factors carefully before deciding to engage with Interstellar Forex or any other broker.


Q: What types of trading instruments does Interstellar Forex offer?

A: Interstellar Forex provides a wide array of trading instruments, including over 60 forex pairs, commodities like gold and oil, various indices, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Q: Is Interstellar Forex a regulated broker?

A: No, Interstellar Forex is currently not regulated by any financial authority, which poses a higher risk for traders in terms of fund security and fair trading practices.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Interstellar Forex?

A: Interstellar Forex offers a maximum leverage of up to 1:1000.

Q: Are there any commission fees for trading with Interstellar Forex?

A: Commissions are charged only on ECN accounts, at $5 per lot per side. Standard accounts do not incur commission fees.

Q: What trading platforms are supported by Interstellar Forex?

A: Interstellar Forex offers the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform, a popular choice among forex traders for its user-friendly interface and advanced trading tools.

Q: How quickly can I withdraw funds from my Interstellar Forex account?

A: The broker claims to process withdrawals within 24 hours.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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