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Severe slippage. The customer service is just like a robot and ignores me
3-5 years
Hong Kong
滑点超级严重 建仓平仓加起来快100滑点了 每单都有 客服跟机器人一样 各种不理
比如我在现价1965卖空 我的成交价格就是1964.85 以下或更低 假如我在现价1965平仓 我的平仓价格就是在1965.15 以上或更高 每一单都是这样 就建仓平仓滑点加起来比50点差还多 后来我不手动止损 我设置止损 然后我所有的止损单都是正常到点位+50点差就被系统平仓 (比如我止损是1968.1 在现价1967.6时我单子就被正常平了 我是盯盘看着1967.6我的单子被平 这是正常 1967.6+50点差1968.1是我的止损点位)可是到后台我一看单子在平仓价格是1968.73 当时当时最高价都不到1968.23 。 后面我当天所有的止损单都是正常止损点位就止损了 ,可是止损价格全部高于我的止损点位几十个点 。找客服没人管都跟机器人 我就找qq客服 找到后跟我核对 核对结果是 我当时的止损价位那个时间点都没到过 然后qq客服也学机器人了。 现在觉得真的这平台真的给 50点差加上滑点我做一手点差高达130了。 太黑了 还没人理 客服全体机器人
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There is a severe slippage in JINRONG! The customer service answered like a robot! Bad attitude.
JINRONG is a fraud platform and induce me to drop into a trap. I was swindled out of 100,000 but they gave no access to withdrawal. The payee were an ad agency in Beijing and a building firm in Shanghai. I received a call from Hong Kong and a guy who was in charge of the company asked me how I want the problem resolved. I want to refund all my fund but they just want to give me part of it so we didn’t reach an agreement. It’s like robbing money. I should have deposited to obtain my position but now my position was closed. And they won’t let you close your positions when you profit.
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