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Will Gold Break $2,625 Amid Fed Caution and Geopolitical Risks?

Will Gold Break $2,625 Amid Fed Caution and Geopolitical Risks?

Gold price (XAU/USD) hovers near $2,625, supported by central bank demand, geopolitical tensions, and uncertainty over Trump's policies, but Fed caution limits the upside.

News 01-02
Bursa Malaysia Dips as Investors Brace for 2025 Uncertainty

Bursa Malaysia Dips as Investors Brace for 2025 Uncertainty

Bursa Malaysia saw a slight dip on the final trading day of the year as profit-taking and cautious sentiment dominated. The FBM KLCI declined 3.4 points to 1,634.28, with muted turnover of RM822.07 million due to year-end festivities. Blue-chip stocks, including Tenaga Nasional and Telekom Malaysia, experienced declines, while regional markets remained subdued amid global uncertainties. As 2024 approaches, investors remain cautious, balancing risks with potential opportunities.

News 01-01

Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni file competing lawsuits in harassment row

The two actors starred together in It Ends With Us, which was released last summer.

Industry 01-01
WikiFX New Year Bash: Chance to Win 70 USDT

WikiFX New Year Bash: Chance to Win 70 USDT

Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the new year! As 2024 draws to a close and 2025 approaches, we want to extend our warmest greetings and express our sincere gratitude for your close collaboration this past year.

News 01-01
Will the Fed Cut Rates in 2025? What to Expect

Will the Fed Cut Rates in 2025? What to Expect

The Federal Reserve has implemented multiple interest rate cuts in 2024, bringing the rate to a range of 4.25%-4.5% by the end of the year. However, whether the Fed will continue cutting rates or shift to rate hikes in 2025 remains uncertain. The Fed's policy direction depends not only on economic data but also on internal adjustments, the policy direction of the new president, and other factors.

News 2024-12-31
At midnight hour,bing on the bubbly

At midnight hour,bing on the bubbly

Let's welcome the arrival of the new year. Embrace the unknown, the best is yet to come. In 2025,WikiFX will continuously promote the healthy development of the industry

News 2024-12-31
Celebrate New Year with Ultima Markets

Celebrate New Year with Ultima Markets

Ultima Markets is ready to make your New Year's celebration even more memorable. The broker is offering a special 100% bonus.

News 2024-12-31
SEBI Bans Big "Finfluencers for Misleading Investors"

SEBI Bans Big "Finfluencers for Misleading Investors"

SEBI has banned numerous renowned financial influencers, such as Ravindra Balu Bharti and Nasiruddin Ansari, for allegedly providing misleading investment advice to people.

News 2024-12-31
WikiFX Review: Is HYCM still reliable in 2024?

WikiFX Review: Is HYCM still reliable in 2024?

HYCM is an online broker offering a wide variety of market instruments. WikiFX reviewed HYCM a few years ago. However, we wonder if this broker is still reliable in 2024 and the coming 2025. WikiFX has made a comprehension review of this broker to help you better understand the truth.

News 2024-12-31
Top 5 Forex Brokers in the Philippines at the End of 2024

Top 5 Forex Brokers in the Philippines at the End of 2024

The forex market in the Philippines has seen significant growth over the past few years, with a wide range of international and local brokers offering their services to Filipino traders.

News 2024-12-31
XTB Receives Licenses to Operate in Indonesia & UAE

XTB Receives Licenses to Operate in Indonesia & UAE

XTB, a UK-registered online forex and CFD broker recently secured licenses in, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Omar Arnaout, CEO of XTB, said“This license brings us significantly closer to launching our operations in Indonesia,”

News 2024-12-31
10 Blacklisted Brokers on WikiFX: Unveiling the Rogue Players

10 Blacklisted Brokers on WikiFX: Unveiling the Rogue Players

As 2024 draws to a close, the financial landscape remains fraught with deceptive practices and fraudulent brokers. WikiFX, a trusted broker regulatory query platform, has compiled a list of the 10 blacklisted brokers for December. These entities have earned their spot due to violations such as being unregulated, engaging in scamming activities, or forbidding client withdrawals. Here's a closer look at the brokers to avoid at all costs.

News 2024-12-31
Could the USD Index See Bigger Gains in 2025?

Could the USD Index See Bigger Gains in 2025?

As of December 30, 2024, the US Dollar Index is hovering around a relatively high level of 108. So, can the Dollar Index continue to rise in 2025? Overall, there is still a possibility for the dollar to appreciate, but it also faces several uncertain factors that could affect its trajectory.

News 2024-12-31
Will Gold Shine Brighter in 2025?

Will Gold Shine Brighter in 2025?

Gold is poised for significant gains in 2025, with experts predicting its price to climb between US$2,900 and US$3,000 per ounce or potentially higher. Analysts attribute this optimistic outlook to sustained gold purchases by central banks, ongoing geopolitical tensions, declining global interest rates, and persistent economic uncertainties. These factors, coupled with gold’s status as a hedge against inflation, underline the precious metal’s appeal in volatile times.

News 2024-12-31
WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Loretta Joseph——Unlock the forefront of digital finance

WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Loretta Joseph——Unlock the forefront of digital finance

In the era of rapid changes in financial innovation and regulation, WikiGlobal, as the organizer of WikiEXPO, has always been at the forefront of the industry, capturing key topics with keen insight and presenting deep thinking and forward-looking perspectives to the industry through a series of unique interviews. This time, we are honored to invite Ms. Loretta Joseph, an authoritative expert in the field of financial technology, as the guest of this interview to deeply explore the hot topics of digital finance and reveal new trends in industry development.

News 2024-12-31
Vietnamese Police Bust $1.2 Million Crypto Fraud Case

Vietnamese Police Bust $1.2 Million Crypto Fraud Case

Vietnamese police uncover $1.2M crypto fraud; government combats rising crypto crimes with stricter regulations and enforcement.

News 2024-12-31
SCAM ON SCAM: New Tactic Used by Scammers

SCAM ON SCAM: New Tactic Used by Scammers

As technology advances, scammers get smarter too. They are finding new ways to trick people. One new method they are using is called SCAM ON SCAM. It’s important to learn about this technique so you can stay aware and protect yourself.

News 2024-12-30
Taurex: Is it Safe to Invest?

Taurex: Is it Safe to Invest?

Taurex is a prominent brokerage regulated by the FCA. The company offers a wide assortment of over 1,000 trading assets, including Forex, cryptos, shares, indices, metals, and commodities, aimed at addressing traders' varied interests.

News 2024-12-30
Malaysia’s Securities Commission Enforces Ban on Bybit & Its CEO

Malaysia’s Securities Commission Enforces Ban on Bybit & Its CEO

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) has taken enforcement action against cryptocurrency exchange Bybit Technology Ltd.

News 2024-12-30
Ringgit Remains Flat Amid Holidays, US Debt Concerns Loom

Ringgit Remains Flat Amid Holidays, US Debt Concerns Loom

The Malaysian ringgit began the week steady against the US dollar, showing little movement due to a lack of market catalysts during the holiday-shortened trading week.

News 2024-12-30
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