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Crypto Fraud: MBBS Student Linked to Rs.8 Lakh Scam

Crypto Fraud: MBBS Student Linked to Rs.8 Lakh Scam

A software engineer filed a complaint against the culprit with Indore police, India, after losing 1.35 lakh due to cyber fraud.

News 2024-12-30
Japan to Take Action to Stabilize the Yen

Japan to Take Action to Stabilize the Yen

Japan faces yen depreciation due to interest rate gaps; officials plan measures to stabilize forex market volatility.

News 2024-12-30
The WikiFX 2024 Annual User Report is here! Come and claim your exclusive identity!

The WikiFX 2024 Annual User Report is here! Come and claim your exclusive identity!

Looking back at the past year, Whether it’s checking the credibility of brokers or browsing the latest forex news, WikiFX has become your indispensable and reliable assistant.

News 2024-12-30
Will Inflation Slow Down in the New Year 2025?

Will Inflation Slow Down in the New Year 2025?

Will inflation slow down in 2025? Experts weigh in on projections, economic policies, and potential impacts, offering insights into what the new year may hold.

News 2024-12-29
New Zealand's FMA Warns Against "YouTube Crypto Investment Scam"

New Zealand's FMA Warns Against "YouTube Crypto Investment Scam"

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA), New Zealand's financial regulator, warns individuals against investment scams that use YouTube channels to promote fraudulent cryptocurrency investment firms/websites. The authority explained on its official website how the YouTube cryptocurrency scam works, providing a step-by-step guide to help people recognize and avoid it. Read HOW THE SCAM WORKS and BE SAFE.

News 2024-12-28
Trading is an Endless Journey

Trading is an Endless Journey

Every trader dreams of quick success, but rushing the process often leads to mistakes. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of winning trades or discouraged by unexpected losses. The truth is, mastering the emotional side of trading can be even more important than understanding market analysis or strategies.

News 2024-12-28
Macro Markets: Is It Worth Your Investment?

Macro Markets: Is It Worth Your Investment?

Established in 2010, MACRO MARKETS stands as a regulated brokerage firm registered in Seychelles. It operates within a framework of strong regulation, providing five classes of trading instruments spanning Forex, Commodities, Indices, and Share CFDs through the MT4 and Web Terminal trading platforms.

News 2024-12-27
Rs. 20 Crore Cash, Hawala Network, Income Tax Raid in India

Rs. 20 Crore Cash, Hawala Network, Income Tax Raid in India

Recently, The Income Tax Department raided 20 wedding planners in Jaipur, India, seizing Rs. 20 crores in cash and jewelry. The department stated that they used scanners to convert payments into cryptocurrency.

News 2024-12-27
How to Know if the Market is Correcting or Reversing?

How to Know if the Market is Correcting or Reversing?

In trading, distinguishing between a market correction and a market reversal is crucial for making sound decisions. Misjudging one for the other can lead to missed opportunities or significant losses. While both involve price movements, their causes, duration, and implications differ substantially. Understanding these differences can help traders improve their strategies and adapt to market conditions effectively.

News 2024-12-27
RM62k Lost Investment Scam After Joining XRP Community Malaysia on Telegram

RM62k Lost Investment Scam After Joining XRP Community Malaysia on Telegram

A 30-year-old homestay manager from Chendering, Malaysia, fell victim to an online bitcoin investment scam, losing RM62,214.59. According to Kuala Terengganu police chief ACP Azli Mohd Noor, the incident unfolded after the victim joined a Telegram group named “XRP Community Malaysia” on December 19. The group promoted bitcoin investments allegedly powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

News 2024-12-27
Russia Turns to Bitcoin for International Trade Amid Sanctions

Russia Turns to Bitcoin for International Trade Amid Sanctions

Russian companies are increasingly using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to bypass Western sanctions and facilitate international trade. The country's Finance Minister, Anton Siluanov, confirmed that cryptocurrencies mined in Russia are now being employed for foreign transactions under an experimental framework.

News 2024-12-27
Victims of Financial Fraud in France Suffer Annual Losses of at Least €500 Million

Victims of Financial Fraud in France Suffer Annual Losses of at Least €500 Million

Financial fraud in France is becoming increasingly diverse, with reports indicating that victims incur annual losses of at least €500 million.

News 2024-12-27
Empowering the Next Generation in Finance with WikiFX: Gen Z’s Investment Journey

Empowering the Next Generation in Finance with WikiFX: Gen Z’s Investment Journey

With a steadfast commitment to fostering sustainable financial literacy and providing clear, strategic guidance to the next generation, WikiFX has collaborated with Van Lang University and Hoa Sen University to host an exclusive series of financial education workshops. This marks a pioneering initiative by WikiFX in Vietnam, designed not only to deliver foundational knowledge but also to instill a sense of responsibility and cultivate prudent financial decision-making among aspiring young traders.

News 2024-12-27
Robinhood Launches Options Trading in the UK by 2025

Robinhood Launches Options Trading in the UK by 2025

Robinhood to introduce options trading in the UK by 2025 following FCA approval. Discover how this expansion aligns with Robinhood's strategy for global growth and new features.

News 2024-12-27
BEWARE! Scammers are not afraid to impersonate the authorities- France’s AMF said

BEWARE! Scammers are not afraid to impersonate the authorities- France’s AMF said

The France AMF warns people about the rising crypto and financial scams. The authority also stated that Scammers are not afraid to impersonate the authorities and advertise their services.

News 2024-12-27
Hong Kong Stablecoins Bill Boosts Crypto Investments

Hong Kong Stablecoins Bill Boosts Crypto Investments

Hong Kong's Stablecoins Bill sets regulatory standards for crypto issuers and platforms, aiming to protect investors and strengthen the city's crypto investment appeal.

News 2024-12-27
SEC Warns on Advance Fee Loan Scams in the Philippines

SEC Warns on Advance Fee Loan Scams in the Philippines

Protect yourself from SEC-flagged advance fee loan scams. Learn about financial literacy efforts in the Philippines for fraud prevention.

News 2024-12-27
What Impact Does Japan’s Positive Output Gap Have on the Yen?

What Impact Does Japan’s Positive Output Gap Have on the Yen?

The Japanese government has announced that, due to a tight labor market, the country’s economic output is expected to return to full capacity in the next fiscal year for the first time in seven years.

News 2024-12-27
OFX: Is It Good to Go? Broker Review

OFX: Is It Good to Go? Broker Review

OFX is an Australian-based financial services company founded to provide a more efficient and equitable solution for international money transfers. Established over 25 years ago, OFX has served over 1 million customers and facilitated transfers in 55+ currencies to 197 countries.

News 2024-12-26
Malaysia Pioneers Zakat Payments with Cryptocurrencies

Malaysia Pioneers Zakat Payments with Cryptocurrencies

Malaysia has taken a significant step in modernising religious practices by becoming the first country to enable zakat payments through digital assets.

News 2024-12-26
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