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WikiFX Review: Is Ultima Markets Legit?

WikiFX Review: Is Ultima Markets Legit?

Ultima Markets has played a significant role in the forex trading industry for decades. WikiFX created a comprehensive review to help you better understand this broker. We will analyze its reliability based on specific information, regulations, etc. Let’s get into it.

News 2024-12-26
Colorado Duo Accused of $8M Investment Fraud Scheme

Colorado Duo Accused of $8M Investment Fraud Scheme

ROI Cash Flow Fund duped investors of $8M in a fraudulent forex trading scheme. McPhee and Posey now face wire fraud and money laundering charges.

News 2024-12-26
21 Arrested in Telangana Cryptocurrency Scam

21 Arrested in Telangana Cryptocurrency Scam

Telangana Police arrests 21 in a cryptocurrency scam. Cybercriminals extorted money, laundered ₹8.2 crore, and transferred it via wallets linked to Dubai.

News 2024-12-26
FCA's Warning to Brokers: Don't Ignore!

FCA's Warning to Brokers: Don't Ignore!

Pay attention. UK's watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority, issued a warning against five brokers. They are operating without licenses and stealing innocent people's hard-earned money. These brokers are not registered with any recognized authority,

Exposure 2024-12-26
WikiFX Review: Is still reliable?

WikiFX Review: Is still reliable? is an online brokerage firm that offers trading services for various financial instruments such as forex, cryptocurrencies, shares, commodities, spot metals, energies, and indices. WikiFX has comprehensively reviewed this broker by analyzing its regulations, specific information, etc. so that you have a deep understanding of this broker.

News 2024-12-26
Financial Educator “Spark Liang” Involved in an Investment Scam?!

Financial Educator “Spark Liang” Involved in an Investment Scam?!

A 54-year-old foreign woman lost her life savings of RM175,000 to an online investment scam that promised high returns within a short timeframe. The scam was orchestrated through a Facebook page named "Spark Liang."

News 2024-12-26
Two Californians Indicted for $22 Million Crypto and NFT Fraud

Two Californians Indicted for $22 Million Crypto and NFT Fraud

Gabriel Hay & Gavin Mayo indicted for $22M crypto fraud. Learn about the Vault of Gems scam and how to avoid NFT rug pull schemes.

News 2024-12-26
Russia to Fully Ban Crypto Mining in 10 Regions Starting January 1, 2025

Russia to Fully Ban Crypto Mining in 10 Regions Starting January 1, 2025

Starting from January 1, 2025, Russia will implement a comprehensive ban on cryptocurrency mining in 10 regions for a period of six years. The ban will remain in effect until March 15, 2031.

News 2024-12-25
Why is there so much exposure against PrimeX Capital?

Why is there so much exposure against PrimeX Capital?

In recent months, PrimeX Capital, a Forex and CFD broker established in 2022, has become a subject of concern in the trading community. However, despite these enticing features, the broker's reputation has been severely tarnished by multiple complaints and a troubling lack of regulatory oversight.

Exposure 2024-12-25
MTrading’s 2025 "Welcome Bonus" is Here

MTrading’s 2025 "Welcome Bonus" is Here

MTrading, a global forex and CFD broker has announced a New Year 2025 campaign, offering a $100 welcome bonus. This promotion aims to attract both new and experienced traders.

News 2024-12-24
YAMARKETS' Jingle Bells Christmas Offer!

YAMARKETS' Jingle Bells Christmas Offer!

YaMarkets Announces Exciting Christmas Offer! YaMarkets is spreading cheer with an exclusive Christmas offer that's sure to delight traders. For a limited time, new and existing clients can enjoy a Tradable Bonus of up to 30% on their deposits.

News 2024-12-24
The Hidden Checklist: Five Unconventional Steps to Vet Your Broker

The Hidden Checklist: Five Unconventional Steps to Vet Your Broker

Forex broker scams continue to evolve, employing new tactics to appear credible and mislead unsuspecting traders. Identifying these fraudulent schemes requires vigilance and strategies beyond the usual advice. Here are five effective methods to help traders assess the legitimacy of a forex broker and avoid potential pitfalls.

News 2024-12-24
Doo Financial Obtains Licenses in BVI and Cayman Islands

Doo Financial Obtains Licenses in BVI and Cayman Islands

Doo Financial, a subsidiary of Singapore-based Doo Group, has expanded its regulatory footprint by securing new offshore licenses from the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI FSC) and the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

News 2024-12-24
CFI’s New Initiative Aims to Promote Transparency in Trading

CFI’s New Initiative Aims to Promote Transparency in Trading

A new programme has been launched by CFI to address the growing need for transparency and awareness in online trading. Named “Trading Transparency+: Empowering Awareness and Clarity in Trading,” the initiative seeks to combat misinformation and equip individuals with resources to evaluate whether trading aligns with their financial goals and circumstances.

News 2024-12-24
AIMS Broker Review

AIMS Broker Review

AIMS (Auric International Markets Ltd), established in 2015 in Labuan, Malaysia, serves a global clientele including regions like Australia, Dubai, and East Asia. The online broker offers a variety of trading instruments such as currencies, cryptocurrencies, global shares, indices, and commodities.

News 2024-12-24
Trading frauds topped the list of scams in India- Report Reveals

Trading frauds topped the list of scams in India- Report Reveals

Trading frauds topped the list of scams in terms of the amount of money lost in India, report reveals that. Investment frauds, which resulted in a loss of ₹3,216 crore from more than 1 lakh complaints.

News 2024-12-23
Malaysian-Thai Fraud Syndicate Dismantled, Millions in Losses Reported

Malaysian-Thai Fraud Syndicate Dismantled, Millions in Losses Reported

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has received 26 reports concerning the Nicshare and CommonApps investment schemes, both linked to a major fraudulent syndicate led by a Malaysian citizen. The syndicate’s activities came to light following the arrest of its leader by Thai authorities on 16 December.

News 2024-12-23
Malaysian Pensioner Loses RM823,000 in Fake Investment Scam

Malaysian Pensioner Loses RM823,000 in Fake Investment Scam

A 61-year-old man from Batu Pahat, Malaysia, has fallen victim to a fraudulent investment scheme, losing a staggering RM823,000. Local authorities revealed that the man was lured through a Facebook advertisement promoting an investment opportunity with promises of substantial returns.

News 2024-12-23
Malaysia’s Crypto Landscape: Adapting Amidst Global Ambitions

Malaysia’s Crypto Landscape: Adapting Amidst Global Ambitions

The United States is intensifying its efforts to become a global cryptocurrency hub under President-elect Donald Trump. Experts believe this move could prompt countries, including Malaysia, to reassess their regulatory approaches toward digital assets.

News 2024-12-23
WikiFX Review: Is FxPro Reliable?

WikiFX Review: Is FxPro Reliable?

Founded in 2006, FxPro is a reputable UK-based broker, trading on various market instruments. In this article, we will help you find the answer to one question: Is FxPro reliable?

News 2024-12-23
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