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Malaysian Pensioner Loses RM823,000 in Fake Investment Scam

Malaysian Pensioner Loses RM823,000 in Fake Investment Scam

A 61-year-old man from Batu Pahat, Malaysia, has fallen victim to a fraudulent investment scheme, losing a staggering RM823,000. Local authorities revealed that the man was lured through a Facebook advertisement promoting an investment opportunity with promises of substantial returns.

News 2024-12-23
Malaysia’s Crypto Landscape: Adapting Amidst Global Ambitions

Malaysia’s Crypto Landscape: Adapting Amidst Global Ambitions

The United States is intensifying its efforts to become a global cryptocurrency hub under President-elect Donald Trump. Experts believe this move could prompt countries, including Malaysia, to reassess their regulatory approaches toward digital assets.

News 2024-12-23
WikiFX Review: Is FxPro Reliable?

WikiFX Review: Is FxPro Reliable?

Founded in 2006, FxPro is a reputable UK-based broker, trading on various market instruments. In this article, we will help you find the answer to one question: Is FxPro reliable?

News 2024-12-23
WikiFX Review: Something You Need to Know About Markets4you

WikiFX Review: Something You Need to Know About Markets4you

Markets4you, is a global forex broker launched in 2007. It was established in the British Virgin Islands. This broker offers its global traders various market instruments.

News 2024-12-23
SEC Approves Hashdex and Franklin Crypto ETFs on Nasdaq

SEC Approves Hashdex and Franklin Crypto ETFs on Nasdaq

The SEC has approved crypto index ETFs by Hashdex and Franklin Templeton, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, marking a milestone in crypto asset investment.

News 2024-12-23
Fusion Markets: Safe Choice or Scam to Avoid?

Fusion Markets: Safe Choice or Scam to Avoid?

Fusion Markets is an Australian-based online forex broker providing a competitive trading environment across various asset classes. Regulated by the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC), the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA), and the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC), Fusion Markets emphasizes regulatory compliance to ensure a secure and transparent trading environment for its clients.

News 2024-12-23
North Korean Hackers Steal $1.3bn in Cryptocurrency in 2024

North Korean Hackers Steal $1.3bn in Cryptocurrency in 2024

Over $2.2bn in cryptocurrency stolen in 2024, with North Korean hackers accounting for $1.3bn. Discover how cyber theft impacts the evolving crypto landscape.

News 2024-12-23
ASIC Sues Binance Australia Derivatives for Misclassifying Retail Clients

ASIC Sues Binance Australia Derivatives for Misclassifying Retail Clients

ASIC accuses Binance Australia of misclassifying 500+ retail clients as wholesale, denying key consumer protections for crypto derivatives. Penalties and reforms are underway.

News 2024-12-23
Revolut Leads UK Neobanks in the Digital Banking Revolution

Revolut Leads UK Neobanks in the Digital Banking Revolution

Revolut dominates the UK neobanking scene with 15.6M downloads in 2024, surpassing traditional banks. Explore how innovation drives this fintech leader’s growth.

News 2024-12-23
Top 10 Trading Indicators Every Forex Trader Should Know

Top 10 Trading Indicators Every Forex Trader Should Know

Master the top 10 Forex trading indicators to analyze real-time Forex quotes, trends, and market signals. Learn strategies to boost accuracy and avoid mistakes.

News 2024-12-22
Geopolitical Events: What They Are & Their Impact?

Geopolitical Events: What They Are & Their Impact?

You've heard many times that geopolitical events have a significant impact on the Forex market. But do you know what geopolitical events are and how they affect the FX market? Let us learn about it today.

News 2024-12-21
Why Do You Feel Scared During Trade Execution?

Why Do You Feel Scared During Trade Execution?

Trade execution is a pivotal moment for traders. It is when analysis turns into action, and potential profits or losses become reality. However, for many traders, this moment is accompanied by fear. Why does this happen, and how can you address it?

News 2024-12-21

Volkswagen agrees deal to avoid Germany plant closures

VW and a union have, however, agreed to cut more than 35,000 jobs across the country by 2030.

Industry 2024-12-20
'Young investors make investment decisions impulsively to keep up with current trends' FCA Reveals

'Young investors make investment decisions impulsively to keep up with current trends' FCA Reveals

FCA reveals that young investors are making important investment decisions in a matter of hours, rather than taking the time to check out whether the product is right for them in the long-term.

News 2024-12-20
Malaysian Influencer Detained in Taiwan Over Alleged Role in Fraud Scheme

Malaysian Influencer Detained in Taiwan Over Alleged Role in Fraud Scheme

Malaysian influencer Hu Chang Mun, widely known as Ady Hu, has been detained in Taiwan for his alleged involvement in a fraudulent operation. The 31-year-old, who was reported missing earlier in December, was located by Taiwanese authorities after suspicions arose regarding his activities.

News 2024-12-20
Couple Arrested in Songkhla for 800M Baht Investment Scams

Couple Arrested in Songkhla for 800M Baht Investment Scams

Authorities in Thailand have apprehended a Malaysian man and his Thai wife for their alleged involvement in a series of fraudulent investment schemes that inflicted financial damage amounting to 800 million baht.

News 2024-12-20
Scope Markets Review: Trustworthy or Risky?

Scope Markets Review: Trustworthy or Risky?

Established in 2014 and regulated in multiple jurisdictions, Scope Markets is a part of the Rostro Group, a leading fintech and financial services provider. Scope Markets provides access to over 40,000 financial instruments, including equities, forex, commodities, and indices through popular powerful trading platforms like MT4, MT5, CQG, IRESS, and Bloomberg.

News 2024-12-20
WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Simone Martin—— Exploring Financial Regulation Change

WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Simone Martin—— Exploring Financial Regulation Change

In the midst of financial innovation and regulation, WikiGlobal, the organizer of WikiEXPO, stays abreast of industry trends and conducts a series of insightful and distinctive interviews on pivotal topics. We are delighted to have the privilege of inviting Simone Martin for an in-depth conversation this time.

News 2024-12-20
Warning: Four Illegal Websites You Need to Avoid

Warning: Four Illegal Websites You Need to Avoid

Pay attention!!! CONSOB, Italy's regulator, has issued a warning to four unauthorized websites.

Exposure 2024-12-20
MultiBank Group Wins Big at Traders Fair Hong Kong 2024

MultiBank Group Wins Big at Traders Fair Hong Kong 2024

Discover how MultiBank Group, a global leader in financial derivatives, secured three prestigious awards at Traders Fair Hong Kong 2024, highlighting its innovative trading solutions and industry excellence.

News 2024-12-20
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