In quanto piattaforma indipendente di servizi di informazione di terze parti, WikiFX si impegna a fornire agli utenti servizi completi e obiettivi di richiesta di informazioni normative sui rivenditori. WikiFX non partecipa direttamente ad alcuna attività di trading in valuta estera, né fornisce alcuna forma di raccomandazione sui canali di trading o consulenza sugli investimenti. La valutazione dei trader di WikiFX si basa su informazioni oggettive provenienti da canali pubblici e tiene pienamente conto delle differenze nelle politiche normative nei diversi paesi e regioni. Le valutazioni dei trader sono il prodotto principale di WikiFX. Ci opponiamo fermamente a qualsiasi pratica commerciale che possa danneggiarne l'obiettività e l'imparzialità e accogliamo con favore la supervisione e i suggerimenti degli utenti di tutto il mondo. Numero verde per le segnalazioni:
The Best Forex Trading Broker in Europe, According to Beirman Capital 

The Best Forex Trading Broker in Europe, According to Beirman Capital 

It matters to choose the appropriate broker in order to achieve success when trading foreign exchange (Forex). When it comes to retail traders in Europe, the choice of a broker can have a considerable

Notizia 2024-12-21 20:20
Exploring Stock Trading Lifetime Deals by Beirman Capital: A New Era for Investors

Exploring Stock Trading Lifetime Deals by Beirman Capital: A New Era for Investors

Stock trading is a popular way to make money in the fast-paced world of finance. Technology and online platforms make stock trading easier than ever. However, rookie and expert investors often struggl

Notizia 2024-12-20 21:50
600 Guests, with 3,000 People Live Stream —  GTCFX Falcon Awards Night Held Successfully

600 Guests, with 3,000 People Live Stream — GTCFX Falcon Awards Night Held Successfully

On December 15, the GTCFX Falcon Award Night came to a spectacular close amid enthusiastic applause. This international event spanned 15 countries, and we sincerely thank the 600 guests who attended i

Notizia 2024-12-20 17:48
Making a Difference with FBS: 2024 Highlights

Making a Difference with FBS: 2024 Highlights

We are proud to share our 2024 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) achievements, demonstrating FBSs commitment to creating positive change worldwide.Over the past year, FBS has carried out 16 impact

Notizia 2024-12-20 17:45
【MACRO Alert】The Fed's "hawkish rate cut" policy forces emerging market central banks to actively re

【MACRO Alert】The Fed's "hawkish rate cut" policy forces emerging market central banks to actively re

In its recent policy meeting, the Federal Reserve unexpectedly showed a hawkish stance, a shift that occurred three months after it slashed interest rates by 50 basis points to "fend off a reces

Notizia 2024-12-20 17:25
DBG Markets: Market Report for Dec 20, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Dec 20, 2024

Market Overviewhe Federal Reserve announced a 25-basis-point rate cut yesterday. Despite this move, the dollar gained strength rather than weakening, contrary to some market expectations. This unexpec

Recensione 2024-12-20 13:36
US Economic Growth Surges Unexpectedly; Gold Loses $2600 Level After Brief Gain!

US Economic Growth Surges Unexpectedly; Gold Loses $2600 Level After Brief Gain!

Hot spot trackingThe number of initial jobless claims in the U.S. fell by 22,000 from the previous time, a larger-than-expected drop. This news is bullish for the dollar.The Bank of Japan paused its r

Recensione 2024-12-20 11:55
Dollar Bolsters by Upbeat U.S. Economic Indicators

Dollar Bolsters by Upbeat U.S. Economic Indicators

The U.S. dollar reached a 2-year high on the back of strong economic indicators released yesterday. Safe-haven gold remains under strong downside pressure as lacking of a catalyst. Watch todays UK Ret

Notizia 2024-12-20 11:19
Today's Financial Headlines: A Quick Rundown

Today's Financial Headlines: A Quick Rundown

Market Overview The Federal Reserve announced a 25-basis-point rate cut yesterday. Despite this move, the dollar gained strength rather than weakening, contrary to some market expectation

Recensione 2024-12-20 11:19
Experts Weigh In on Today's News

Experts Weigh In on Today's News

Market Overview The Federal Reserve announced a 25-basis-point rate cut yesterday. Despite this move, the dollar gained strength rather than weakening, contrary to some market expectation

Recensione 2024-12-20 11:17
Christmas Around The Corner, Quiet Markets Expected

Christmas Around The Corner, Quiet Markets Expected

Monday, 23 December 2024, 09:00UK GDP (YoY) (Q3)In November, the UKs preliminary GDP reading for the third quarter of 2024 showed a 1.0% increase, surpassing market expectations of 0.1% and improving

Notizia 2024-12-20 10:51


BUY GOLD 2555 and below target 2617SELLGOLD 2622 and above target 2560BUY EURUSD 10320 target 10415SELL EURUSD 10433 target 10320BUY GBPUSD 12455 target 12570SELL GBPUSD 12565 target 12445BUY USDJPY 1

Recensione 2024-12-20 10:26
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

On Thursday, gold prices rebounded from Wednesday's sharp decline, gaining 0.20%. Gold had fallen sharply earlier following the Federal Reserve's decision to adopt a more gradual stance and oppose thr

Notizia 2024-12-20 09:10
Why Felix Markets?

Why Felix Markets?

Why Choose Felix Markets ?Felix Markets is a global forex broker licensed and regulated by international regulatory bodies. It offers fast and reliable trading opportunities in a wide range of asset c

Recensione 2024-12-19 21:36
A Broad Overview to Identifying the Best Commodity Trading Platform by Beirman Capital

A Broad Overview to Identifying the Best Commodity Trading Platform by Beirman Capital

Investors are drawn to commodity trading in the dynamic financial environment. Whether they want crude oil, agricultural products, or other raw commodities, anybody can navigate commodity markets with

Notizia 2024-12-19 20:20
Fed's 2025 Outlook: Inflation Concerns Take Center Stage Again

Fed's 2025 Outlook: Inflation Concerns Take Center Stage Again

Federal Reserve officials implemented their third consecutive rate cut this year, lowering the benchmark interest rate to a target range of 4.25%-4.5%. Besides, the number of rate cuts planned for nex

Notizia 2024-12-19 17:07
【MACRO Insight】The market reacted strongly to the Fed’s third rate cut, and expectations for future

【MACRO Insight】The market reacted strongly to the Fed’s third rate cut, and expectations for future

At the policy meeting on December 19, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) announced its third interest rate cut this year, a 25 basis point cut, adjusting the federal funds rate target range to 4.25%-4.5%.

Recensione 2024-12-19 16:07
The Fed's reduced rate cut forecast boosted the dollar, dropping gold by $60 below $2600.

The Fed's reduced rate cut forecast boosted the dollar, dropping gold by $60 below $2600.

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve unexpectedly halved its expectation of a rate cut next year, causing the US dollar index to violently rise 120 points and ultimately close up 1.228% at 108.26, settin

Recensione 2024-12-19 15:09
Understanding the DXY Index: A Key to Forex and Global Market Insights

Understanding the DXY Index: A Key to Forex and Global Market Insights

In this article, we take a comprehensive look at the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY), a pivotal indicator for tracking the performance of the U.S. dollar in the global financial landscape. Often referred to a

Notizia 2024-12-19 14:07
Dollar Jumps on Fed’s Hawkish Remark

Dollar Jumps on Fed’s Hawkish Remark

The dollar strengthened to its 2-year high on the Feds Hawkish remark. Eyes on todays BoE interest rate decision to gauge the Pound Sterlings strength. Dow Jones dropped more than 2.5% in yesterdays s

Notizia 2024-12-19 13:55

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