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Informazioni di base e regolamentazione dei future Zhe Shang
Zhe Shang Futures è stata fondata a Hangzhou nel settembre 1995 ed è subordinata a Zhejiang Transportation Investment Group ed è interamente di proprietà di Zhejiang Securities. È una società di futures completa su larga scala che integra l'intermediazione di futures su materie prime, l'intermediazione finanziaria di futures, la consulenza sugli investimenti futures, la gestione patrimoniale, le attività offshore e le attività di gestione del rischio. Con oltre 20 anni di sviluppo, Zhe Shang Futures ha ampliato la sua scala aziendale e ora ha 5 filiali, 23 uffici commerciali e 2 filiali interamente controllate. La rete di marketing di Zhe Shang Futures copre regioni economicamente sviluppate come Pechino, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Dalian, Shandong e 13 città chiave nella provincia di Zhejiang. Da oltre 20 anni, Zhe Shang Futures aderisce alla filosofia della conformità e dello sviluppo costante, assumendo la posizione di base di servire l'economia nazionale e l'economia reale, costruendo un fornitore di servizi di derivati futuri con la ricerca come nucleo strategico e gestione del rischio e la gestione patrimoniale come direzione di sviluppo. Con il concetto di servire clienti industriali e clienti di fascia alta, Zhe Shang Futures ha conquistato una buona reputazione nel settore dei futures ed è stato premiato come "Membro eccellente" da tre borse merci per molti anni consecutivi e ha vinto una serie di varietà di premi vincenti.
Software commerciale di Zhe Shang Futures
zhe shang futures offre una varietà di software di trading per gli investitori, principalmente zhe shang app, zhe shang caixin app, hang seng online trading system versione 5.0 (fens), bo yi master lightning hand, yi sheng polaris, fuyuan online quotation system hang seng version , client yi sheng v8, software di trading wenhua wh6 winshun, client istituzionale yi sheng v8, client di arbitraggio interno ed esterno yi sheng polaris 9.3.32 e cliente zhe shang futures mc9.1. il cliente di et net, mc9 di ZHESHANG futures e prodotti ctp dell'edizione ammiraglia di Pathfinder, ecc.
Deposito e prelievo di future Zhe Shang
Zhe Shang Futures offre diversi metodi di deposito e prelievo per clienti individuali e clienti istituzionali. Per i singoli clienti che hanno richiesto il bonifico bancario, possono accedere ai propri fondi tramite banca telefonica, software di trading di futures e servizi bancari online. Per i clienti che non hanno richiesto il trasferimento di future bancari, possono compilare il buono di deposito e il dipartimento finanziario di Zhe Shang Futures verificherà e trasferirà i fondi attraverso il conto di regolamento designato. I buoni di deposito e prelievo dei clienti istituzionali vengono inviati via fax alla società Futures (buoni di deposito originali) ei fondi vengono trasferiti dopo la verifica da parte di Zhe Shang Futures.
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Hong Kong
The platform brags about their teachers and asks clients to buy position largely without setting the stop-loss price.
Hong Kong
I knew this platform accidentally. Though I have never traded before, I did made some money by trading stock with the help of the master. With his promise that I could make profits, even multiple within one week, so I said yes. He urged me to open an account as soon as possible. Having considered overnight, I opened an account and deposited a half of my savings these years, 340000 RMB, into the account. However, with the master’s several guidance,I made huge loss. He tried to comfort me and promised to earn my money back double. But I made a constant losses of 290,000 RMB within a week.The master didn’t give me a reasonable explanation but urged me to add fund to earn my losses back,which made me disilluded totally.Having refused to add more and stopped the trade, I was removed out of the group immediately. I tried to contact the master, got no reply, and was deleted and blacklisted by him later.
Hong Kong
Key words: ZHESHANG , manaer Li, Teacher Xie, Dream chaser, Teacher Chen, Unable to withdraw, XAU/USD, crude oil and future. At first, a stranger, who pro-claimed as the manager Li from Nine o’clock Finance, told me about the advantages of international future and their professional teachers. I was induced to deposit and the nightmare began. Now I figured out that it is a scam platform.From October 30th, each order given by teacher Xie was wrong. I didn’t want to trade anymore since the loss was overriding profits. The the manager arranged the Dream Chaser for me. At first, I made some profits. The teacher emphasized that we must follow his instruction. During 12 to 13, the teacher told me not to close position or stop loss, resulting in my losses of $15000! All my saving s was gone. My mother is now in the hospital for a heart surgery. I even couldn’t afford the 50000 RMB deposit. I am hopeless. Looking at my mother, I have no idea but to move on. My friend, who is a lawyer, tells that I have encountered with scam. I have called the police, only to get my money back.
Hong Kong
Key words: ZheSang , manaer Li, Teacher Xie, Dream chaser, Teacher Chen, Unable to withdraw, XAU/USD, crude oil and future. At first, a stranger, who pro-claimed as the manager Li from Nine o’clock Finance, told me about the advantages of international future and their professional teachers. I was induced to deposit and the nightmare began. Now I figured out that it is a scam platform.From October 30th, each order given by teacher Xie was wrong. I didn’t want to trade anymore since the loss was overriding profits. The the manager arranged the Dream Chaser for me. At first, I made some profits. The teacher emphasized that we must follow his instruction. During 12 to 13, the teacher told me not to close position or stop loss, resulting in my losses of $15000!
Hong Kong
In this September, a stranger, who proclaimed as the salesman of a security company, added me and pulled me into a stock group, in which Chen Daoming gave stock recommendation and analysis. Having listened for while, I figure out that the stock recommended was profitable. But several days later, saying that the stock market was volatile, he recommended us ZheSang and sent his profit screenshots to induce us. Without hesitation, I joined. Then he asked us to operated one-third of the position to avoid the risk. Many members sent the profit screenshots as well as the red pockets to the group. At this time, Chen claimed that if we want to earn more profit like 10%, we need to add fund. I didn’t resist the temptation and deposited 390000 RMB. And I made all losses within 2 days.