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Match private securities

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+971 42750687
7 Westferry Circus, E14 4HD, London, United Kingdom


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
United Kingdom
Operating Period
2-5 years
Company Name
Match Liquidity
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Account Information
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Match private securities Review Summary
Founded 2010
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Currencies, American indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and stocks
Trading Platforms MT5
Minimum Deposit $500
Customer Support Phone, email and online messaging

What is Match private securities?

Match Private Securities is an international trading company that offers financial broking services in online Forex trading. Established in 2010, the company has become a leading player in the trading industry. They aim to be a global trading partner for their clients, providing valuable financial information in easily understandable language. With their trading platform, MT5, clients can trade anytime and anywhere while staying informed with the latest news and information.

Match private securities' homepage

If you are interested, we invite you to continue reading the upcoming article where we will thoroughly assess the broker from various angles and present you with well-organized and succinct information. By the end of the article, we will provide a concise summary to give you a comprehensive overview of the broker's key characteristics.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • MT5 supported
  • Operates without valid regulation
  • A range of payment options
  • High minimum deposit
  • Access to global markets
  • Some reports of scam
  • Fund safety and confidentiality

Pros of Match Private Securities:

- MT5 Supported: Match Private Securities supports the widely used MT5 trading platform, offering traders access to advanced trading tools and a user-friendly interface.

- A Range of Payment Options: The company provides a variety of payment options, which can offer flexibility and convenience for clients when funding their accounts or making withdrawals.

- Access to Global Markets: Match Private Securities provides access to global markets, allowing traders to explore a wide range of trading opportunities across different financial instruments.

- Fund Safety and Confidentiality: The company claims to prioritize the safety of clients' funds by using segregated accounts in Tier-1 banking institutions and emphasizes the importance of data protection and confidentiality.

Cons of Match Private Securities:

- Operates Without Valid Regulation: Match Private Securities operates without valid regulation, which may raise concerns about the lack of oversight and consumer protection.

- High Minimum Deposit: o start trading with Match Private Securities, a minimum deposit of $500 is required. This may be a significant amount for some traders, especially those who are new to trading or have limited funds.

- Some Reports of Scams: There are reports of scams associated with Match Private Securities, indicating potential risks and concerns about the company's reputation and trustworthiness.

Is Match private securities Safe or Scam?

Match private securities claims to prioritize the safety of clients' funds by ensuring segregated accounts in Tier-1 banking institutions and utilizing the latest communication technologies to safeguard personal data on encrypted servers. Additionally, they emphasize the confidentiality of provided information and state that it will not be shared with third parties without consent. The company also states that it earns commissions based on a percentage of customers' profits.

protection measures

However, Match private securities currently lacks valid regulation, meaning that there is no governmental or financial authority oversight of their operations. This absence of regulation introduces significant risk for potential investors. Without regulation, the platform operators are not held accountable for their actions and could potentially abscond with investors' funds without repercussions.

Therefore, if considering an investment with Match private securities, you should research and carefully evaluate the potential risks against the anticipated benefits.

Market Instruments

Match Private Securities provides a range of trading instruments for clients to engage in various markets. These instruments encompass currencies, American indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and stocks.

- Currencies: Clients can trade a diverse selection of major, minor, and exotic currency pairs through Match Private Securities. This allows them to participate in the dynamic foreign exchange market, taking advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates.

- American Indices: Match Private Securities offers trading opportunities on major American indices such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq. These indices represent the performance of a basket of publicly listed companies listed on the respective exchanges, providing clients with exposure to the overall sentiment and trends of the US stock market.

- Commodities: Clients can trade a variety of commodities through Match Private Securities, including precious metals like gold and silver, energy sources such as crude oil and natural gas, and agricultural products like wheat and corn. Trading commodities enables clients to take positions on price movements in these essential global resources.

- Cryptocurrencies: Match Private Securities facilitates the trading of cryptocurrencies, which are digital or virtual currencies that utilize cryptography for security. Clients can engage in cryptocurrency trading, speculating on the price movements of popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

- Stocks: Match Private Securities provides access to a wide range of stocks from different international markets. Clients can trade shares of well-known companies across industries, allowing them to capitalize on opportunities in specific stocks or diversify their investment portfolios.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Match private securities offers three types of accounts: Standard Account, Gold Account, and VIP Account.

  • Standard Account:

- Minimum deposit: $500

- Maximum deposit: $5,000

- Features:

- Risk & Asset Management support

- Personal Account Manager

- Individual Financial Plan

- Online Follow-up Platform

  • Gold Account:

- Minimum deposit: $5,001

- Maximum deposit: $10,000

- Includes all features of the Standard Account

- Additional features:

- Trading Commissions Refunds - Up to 5% from the account value

  • VIP Account:

- Minimum deposit: $10,000

- No maximum deposit limit specified

- Includes all features of the Gold Account

- Additional features:

- No Withdrawal Commission

- Trading Commissions Refunds - Up to 10% from the account value

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Match private securities, please follow these steps:

1 Visit the Match private securities website.
2 Click on the “Register” button.
3 Fill in the required information, including your first name, last name, email address, and phone number.
4 Select your country from the provided options.
5 Review and agree to the terms and conditions of Match private securities.
6 Click on the “Create Account” button.
7 Await a confirmation email from Match private securities.
8 Follow the instructions in the confirmation email to proceed with the account setup process.
fill in required info

Trading Platforms

Match Private Securities provides its clients with access to the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, offering a powerful and versatile environment for executing trades across various financial markets. MT5 is a popular, industry-leading platform known for its advanced analytical tools, comprehensive charting capabilities, and seamless trade execution.

The MT5 platform offered by Match Private Securities is designed to cater to the diverse needs of traders, offering a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and customizable. Clients can access real-time market data, analyze price movements, and execute trades across a wide range of instruments, including currencies, indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and stocks.


Deposits & Withdrawals

Match Private Securities offers multiple options for deposits, including international and local deposits, credit cards, Eco Pays, bank transfers, and Terrixa.

The process for making a withdrawal is relatively straightforward, as clients only need to log into their trading account and click on the withdrawal icon. Once the withdrawal request is submitted, it is then forwarded to the Financial Support section for processing, with the withdrawal typically being completed within 3-5 business days.

When initiating a withdrawal, clients should be aware of certain conditions. If the requested amount is being withdrawn from the capital, it will be returned to the same source from which the deposit originated. On the other hand, if the withdrawal pertains to profits, the funds will be transferred to the client's personal bank account. Additionally, it's important to note that the withdrawn amount should exceed $50 USD and be less than the free balance to be eligible for withdrawal. Furthermore, to prevent potential losses, any open deals at the time of withdrawal will be closed.

Deposits & Withdrawals

User Exposure on WikiFX

On our website, you can see a report of scams. You can check our platform for information before trading. If you find such fraudulent brokers or have been a victim of one, please let us know in the Exposure section, we would appreciate it and our team of experts will do everything possible to solve the problem for you.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Customer Service

Customers can visit their office or get in touch with customer service line using the information provided below:

Telephone: +97142750687


Address: 7 Westferry Circus, E14 4HD, London, United Kingdom

Moreover, clients could get in touch with this broker through the social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google and Linkedin.

Match private securities offers online messaging as part of their trading platform. This allows traders to communicate with customer support or other traders directly through the platform.

contact details


Match Private Securities is a brokerage firm that offers trading services to clients. The company's major products and services include access to global markets, support for the MT5 trading platform, and a range of payment options.

However, one major drawback is that Match Private Securities operates without valid regulation. This lack of regulation raises concerns about consumer protection and oversight. Additionally, there have been reports of scams associated with the company, further highlighting potential risks and concerns about its trustworthiness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Match private securities regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation.
Q 2: How can I contact the customer support team at Match private securities?
A 2: You can contact via telephone: +97142750687, email: and online messaging.
Q 3: What platform does Match private securities offer?
A 3: It offers MT5.
Q 4: What is the minimum deposit for Match private securities?
A 4: The minimum initial deposit to open an account is $500.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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