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Today's Financial News

Today's Financial News

As election day unfolds, traders are weighing potential market impacts based on the possible outcomes. A Trump victory is being considered as a more predictable scenario for markets, with some foresee

Recensione 2024-11-06
KVB Market Analysis | 6 Nov: Dollar Strengthens Amid US Election Results, Pushing USD/JPY Higher

KVB Market Analysis | 6 Nov: Dollar Strengthens Amid US Election Results, Pushing USD/JPY Higher

Product: EUR/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis: EUR/USD has fallen sharply and is now trading below 1.0900 as focus shifts to the U.S. presidential election. Polling in Georgia, a crucial sw

Recensione 2024-11-06
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 06, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 06, 2024

ReminderThe volatility of the markets during elections is not to be understated. There are large risk trading markets like these. Thus, we suggest you keep out of the market if you are not ready to ri

Recensione 2024-11-06
Today's Must-Know Market Updates

Today's Must-Know Market Updates

Whats at Stake for Traders this Election Day Election day is here, and traders are on edge about what a “Trump Trade” could mean. Many expect a Trump victory, feeling it would bring a mor

Recensione 2024-11-06
What to Expect on Election Day!

What to Expect on Election Day!

ReminderThe volatility of the markets during elections is not to be understated. There are large risk trading markets like these, so we suggest you stay out of the market if you are not ready to take

Recensione 2024-11-06
Breaking News: This Could Shake Up Markets

Breaking News: This Could Shake Up Markets

ReminderThe volatility of the markets during elections is not to be understated. There are large risk trading markets like these. Thus, we suggest you keep out of the market if you are not ready to ri

Recensione 2024-11-06
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Early on Tuesday, gold found support near 2,724 and rebounded. Against the backdrop of uncertainty surrounding the U.S. presidential election and a slight weakening of the U.S. dollar, gold rallied cl

Notizia 2024-11-06
FBS Sponsors Golf Tournament in Argentina

FBS Sponsors Golf Tournament in Argentina

FBS is delightedto announce its sponsorship of the upcoming golf event, The Algorithm Grand Prix, scheduled for November 9th and 10th at the scenic Tandil Golf Club in Argentina. With FBS as the main

Notizia 2024-11-05
【MACRO Insight】Analysis of Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank's gold trading strategies during the elec

【MACRO Insight】Analysis of Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank's gold trading strategies during the elec

Goldman Sachs' commodities division reported that it has reduced the risk of its gold positions during Tuesday's election, converting cash positions into options to buy gold at low points during the e

Recensione 2024-11-05
Dollar Calm ahead of the U.S. Election

Dollar Calm ahead of the U.S. Election

Todays U.S. election is likely to keep financial markets relatively calm until its conclusion. The Japanese Yen is expected to have a direct influence by the result of the U.S. election. Gold is strug

Notizia 2024-11-05
The demand for safe haven has rebounded, and the US dollar fell significantly on Monday  Gold price

The demand for safe haven has rebounded, and the US dollar fell significantly on Monday Gold price

On Monday, as the “Trump trade” receded, the US dollar index opened short and fell below the 104 mark, ultimately closing down 0.4% at 103.9. The yields of US Treasury bonds have all fallen, with the

Recensione 2024-11-05
Financial News Update: Today's Key Events

Financial News Update: Today's Key Events

Market Overview All eyes on elections to be concluded later this evening. Until then, expect large volatility to come into the markets. At this point in time, we are seeing increased chan

Recensione 2024-11-05
Economic Headlines: Today's Market Impact

Economic Headlines: Today's Market Impact

Market Overview All eyes on elections to be concluded later this evening. Until then, expect large volatility to come into the markets. At this point in time, we are seeing increased chances

Recensione 2024-11-05
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 05, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 05, 2024

Market OverviewAll eyes on elections to be concluded later this evening. Until then, expect large volatility to come into the markets. At this point in time, we are seeing increased chances for a Harr

Recensione 2024-11-05
The "Trump deal" ebbs; the dollar falls below the 104 mark!

The "Trump deal" ebbs; the dollar falls below the 104 mark!

Hot spot trackingIran approves plan to increase oil production by 250,000 barrels per day. Negative for crude oil.According to the Financial Times, foreign investors withdrew more than US$10 billion f

Recensione 2024-11-05
KVB Market Analysis | 5 Nov: XAU/USD Holds Near Support as Election Concerns Fuel Safe-Haven Demand

KVB Market Analysis | 5 Nov: XAU/USD Holds Near Support as Election Concerns Fuel Safe-Haven Demand

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis: Gold prices are hovering near a one-week low set on Monday, but the decline appears limited due to safe-haven demand linked to uncertainty aro

Recensione 2024-11-05
FP Markets Secures Three Major Honours at the Inaugural Finance Magnates Annual Award Gala

FP Markets Secures Three Major Honours at the Inaugural Finance Magnates Annual Award Gala

Australian-founded broker FP Markets further cemented its position as a market leader,winning ‘Most Trusted Broker - Global’, ‘Broker of the Year - Asia’, and Fastest GrowingBroker - LATAM at the inau

Notizia 2024-11-05
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

On Monday, gold prices fluctuated. The risks associated with the U.S. presidential election and ongoing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East could support gold in the short term, as gold is a trad

Notizia 2024-11-05
The US non farm payroll plummeted in October, and the US dollar rose again after a intraday correcti

The US non farm payroll plummeted in October, and the US dollar rose again after a intraday correcti

The US presidential election and the decision of the Federal Reserve are coming this week, and most analysts and retail investors are still bullish on the futureLast Friday, despite the unexpectedly w

Recensione 2024-11-04
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 04, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 04, 2024

Reminder: You may experience some lag or delays in placing orders, or you may find that some brokers will have your orders placed differently from your Bid and Ask lines. This will be due to increased

Recensione 2024-11-04

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