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Global Markets Report: Today's Top Stories

Global Markets Report: Today's Top Stories

Market Analysis GOLD - Gold has shown recovery after opening at a gap low, indicating continued upward momentum. No changes in our outlook for this asset. SILVER - Silver rem

Recensione 2024-10-29
Your Daily Market Insights

Your Daily Market Insights

Market AnalysisGOLD - Gold has shown recovery after opening at a gap low, indicating continued upward momentum. No changes in our outlook for this asset.SILVER - Silver remains above its current suppo

Recensione 2024-10-29
Tap into Trading Success: Your Guide to Social Trading

Tap into Trading Success: Your Guide to Social Trading

If you are wondering whether social trading is the right strategy for you, youve come to the right place. In this article, we will explain social trading and provide vital information to help you dete

Notizia 2024-10-29
What is Doge Coin (DOGE)?

What is Doge Coin (DOGE)?

Dogecoin is, without a doubt, one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies worldwide, despite being created as a joke. Many people have been influenced by media attention and speculation around it, wit

Notizia 2024-10-29
Understanding Ripple: How It Works and Its Role in the Cryptocurrency Market

Understanding Ripple: How It Works and Its Role in the Cryptocurrency Market

If you are looking to invest in cryptocurrencies but still do not know in-depth how to do it, or if you want to know more about the Ripple cryptocurrency, continue reading this article to learn more.

Notizia 2024-10-29
Gold Rebounds Above $2740 After Gap Down Open; Crude Oil Plummets 6% Intra-Day!

Gold Rebounds Above $2740 After Gap Down Open; Crude Oil Plummets 6% Intra-Day!

Hot spot trackingBallot boxes in many parts of the United States were set on fire again, and hundreds of ballots were damaged. US media: Bloombergs boss has spent nearly $100 million to support Harris

Recensione 2024-10-29
Tame the Market with Moving Averages: A Comprehensive Guide

Tame the Market with Moving Averages: A Comprehensive Guide

Entering the world of trading requires understanding key tools such as moving averages. They are fundamental and essential for understanding trends in the financial markets. In this article, we delve

Notizia 2024-10-29
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 29, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 29, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - Gold has shown recovery after opening at a gap low, indicating continued upward momentum. No changes in our outlook for this asset.SILVER - Silver remains above its current suppo

Recensione 2024-10-29
Exploring NFTs: A Diversification Strategy for Modern Traders

Exploring NFTs: A Diversification Strategy for Modern Traders

NFTs are unique digital assets based on blockchain technology, representing a growing opportunity for traders and investors seeking diversification in their portfolios. Each NFT has a digital certific

Notizia 2024-10-29
OnEquity’s Impactful Presence at Forex Dubai Expo 2024

OnEquity’s Impactful Presence at Forex Dubai Expo 2024

OnEquity has successfully concluded its participation as a Diamond Sponsor at the Forex Expo Dubai 2024, held on October 7-8 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. This prestigious event served as a groundb

Notizia 2024-10-29
Shiba Inu:  The Unexpected Star of the Crypto Scene

Shiba Inu: The Unexpected Star of the Crypto Scene

Shiba Inu is not just a breed of dog from Japan; its also a decentralized cryptocurrency that has captured the attention of investors worldwide. Created as a lighthearted parody of Dogecoin, Shiba Inu

Notizia 2024-10-29
Understanding the S&P 500: A Key Market Indicator

Understanding the S&P 500: A Key Market Indicator

The SP 500, also known as Standard and Poor‘s 500, is one of the most recognized stock indexes globally and serves as a barometer of the U.S. stock market’s health. In this article, we will explore it

Notizia 2024-10-29
Navigating the Dow Jones: Insights into America's Economic Indicator

Navigating the Dow Jones: Insights into America's Economic Indicator

The Dow Jones, also known as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), is a stock market index that includes the 30 most relevant listed companies on the New York Stock Exchange and is positioned as on

Notizia 2024-10-29
Demystifying the Nasdaq 100: Your Guide to Tech’s Leading Index Education

Demystifying the Nasdaq 100: Your Guide to Tech’s Leading Index Education

The Nasdaq 100 is a global benchmark and one of the most influential indices in the U.S. market. In this article, we will explain what it is, the companies that are part of it, how the selection proce

Notizia 2024-10-29
KVB Market Analysis | 29 Oct: Gold Prices Hold Steady Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Dollar Strength

KVB Market Analysis | 29 Oct: Gold Prices Hold Steady Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Dollar Strength

Product: EUR/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis: The EUR/USD pair is stable around 1.0810 as the U.S. Dollar consolidates ahead of Germanys GfK Consumer Confidence data. After recovering from

Recensione 2024-10-29
【MACRO Alert】Market reaction and retailer strategy adjustment in the context of soaring gold prices

【MACRO Alert】Market reaction and retailer strategy adjustment in the context of soaring gold prices

The soaring gold price has made many consumers who intend to buy gold feel burdened. In July last year, Chow Tai Fook bought a set of gold jewelry at a price of 592 yuan per gram. However, in Septembe

Notizia 2024-10-28
Yen Capitulate Amid Political Uncertainty

Yen Capitulate Amid Political Uncertainty

Japans political uncertainty caused the Yen to decline against its peers. Oil prices dropped drastically as Israel kept its promise not to attack Irans oil facilities. Eyes on this week, Nasdaq, as me

Notizia 2024-10-28
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 28, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 28, 2024

Market OverviewEscalation in West Asia: Implications for Global Markets and Geopolitical StabilityOn October 26th, an attack occurred under the cover of night, as Israel retaliated for Iran‘s October

Recensione 2024-10-28
KVB Market Analysis | 28 Oct: Yen Weakness Continues as Market Eyes Tokyo Inflation and BoJ Moves

KVB Market Analysis | 28 Oct: Yen Weakness Continues as Market Eyes Tokyo Inflation and BoJ Moves

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis:Gold prices have edged lower to around $2,730, breaking a two-day losing streak during the early Asian session on Monday. However, the downside

Recensione 2024-10-28
Israel "raids" Iran over the weekend! Iran may not respond?

Israel "raids" Iran over the weekend! Iran may not respond?

Hot spot trackingThe monthly rate of durable goods orders in the United States in September was -0.8%, higher than the expected -1%. The previous value was revised down from 0% to -0.8%. This is good

Recensione 2024-10-28

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