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MAS Imposes $2.4M Fine on JPMorgan Chase for Misconduct

MAS Imposes $2.4M Fine on JPMorgan Chase for Misconduct

JPMorgan Chase is fined $2.4 million by MAS for overcharging clients on OTC bond trades, misrepresenting spreads, and unethical actions by relationship managers.

Notizie 2024-12-03 14:02

Ontario launches major US ad campaign amid Trump's tariff threat

Trump has threatened to impose tariff on all Canadian and Mexican goods unless both countries secured their shared borders with the US.

settore 2024-12-02 19:23
Latest India Scam! 2 "Fake App" Fraud Cases Registered

Latest India Scam! 2 "Fake App" Fraud Cases Registered

Pay attention if you invest your money in random trading applications that promise great returns and profits. Remember, they're all SCAM.

Notizie 2024-12-02 18:33
$30 Million Stolen in SOLANA Hack | Affecting Over 8,600 Wallets

$30 Million Stolen in SOLANA Hack | Affecting Over 8,600 Wallets

A recent hack targeting the memecoin trading platform DEXX has led to a massive loss of $30 million. Security firm SlowMist has identified over 8,620 Solana wallets potentially linked to the incident, which affected at least 900 users.

Notizie 2024-12-02 18:24
CONSOB Extends Crackdown on Unauthorised Financial Websites

CONSOB Extends Crackdown on Unauthorised Financial Websites

Italy’s Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has intensified its efforts to combat illegal financial activities, recently ordering the blocking of four additional websites providing unauthorised financial services

Notizie 2024-12-02 18:08
Malaysian Loses RM2.6 Million to Online Investment Scam

Malaysian Loses RM2.6 Million to Online Investment Scam

A 49-year-old woman from Malaysia (Johor Bahru) has reported losing RM2.6 million to a fraudulent online investment scheme. The woman, who worked as a clerk at a goldsmith, fell victim to the scam after being lured by promises of high returns.

Notizie 2024-12-02 18:01
BCP and Mastercard Boost Cross-Border Payments in Africa

BCP and Mastercard Boost Cross-Border Payments in Africa

BCP partners with Mastercard to improve cross-border payments in Africa, offering secure, cost-effective, and near-instant transactions for businesses and consumers.

Notizie 2024-12-02 17:27
Ripple’s RLUSD Stablecoin Expected to Launch in NY by Dec. 4

Ripple’s RLUSD Stablecoin Expected to Launch in NY by Dec. 4

Ripple's new stablecoin RLUSD nears approval by NYDFS, bringing Ripple into direct competition with U.S. stablecoin issuers. Launch expected by December 4.

Notizie 2024-12-02 17:08
ActivTrades Gains Regulatory License in Mauritius

ActivTrades Gains Regulatory License in Mauritius

ActivTrades secures a new FSC license in Mauritius to expand global reach. This new license strengthens its services across Africa, Asia, and international markets.

Notizie 2024-12-02 16:44
5 Koreans Nabbed in PH for $2.9M Crypto Scam

5 Koreans Nabbed in PH for $2.9M Crypto Scam

Philippine authorities arrested 5 South Koreans linked to a $2.9M cryptocurrency scam and 1 for larceny. All await deportation. Learn more about the crackdown.

Notizie 2024-12-02 15:13
Philippines Warns Public of Get-Rich-Quick Scams This Christmas

Philippines Warns Public of Get-Rich-Quick Scams This Christmas

Philippine authorities urge caution against get-rich-quick schemes, including crypto and forex investment scams, as fraudulent activities rise during the Christmas season.

Notizie 2024-12-02 14:40
Know Ins & Outs of Prop Trading Firms

Know Ins & Outs of Prop Trading Firms

This trend is largely liked by the new generation of traders who crave faster returns. Therefore, in this article, we will explore the various aspects of proprietary trading firms and dive into the details of it. Let’s begin.

Notizie 2024-12-02 14:29
 Oil Prices Mixed Amid Accusations of Ceasefire Violations Between Israel and Hezbollah

Oil Prices Mixed Amid Accusations of Ceasefire Violations Between Israel and Hezbollah

According to the report, Oil prices were mixed on Friday, with concerns over potential supply risks resurfacing following accusations from both Israel and Hezbollah regarding violations of their ceasefire. Investors are also awaiting a decision on OPEC+ output policy, as a delay to the group’s meeting adds uncertainty to the market.

Notizie 2024-12-01 08:30
India's Rs 6,000 Crore Ponzi scam

India's Rs 6,000 Crore Ponzi scam

India has been hit by a major Ponzi scheme worth an estimated 6,000 crores. This financial fraud has devastated hundreds of innocent investors.

Notizie 2024-12-01 08:00
Trump Administration Pushes for CFTC to Lead Crypto Regulation

Trump Administration Pushes for CFTC to Lead Crypto Regulation

The Trump team proposes shifting crypto regulation from the SEC to the CFTC, aiming to spur innovation in the $3T digital asset market. Find out what's at stake.

Notizie 2024-11-30 08:30
Meme Coins: Fleeting Fortune or Financial Folly?

Meme Coins: Fleeting Fortune or Financial Folly?

Meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Pepecoin have captured headlines and social media feeds, turning early adopters into overnight millionaires. However, beneath their whimsical branding and viral appeal lies a critical question: Are meme coins a legitimate investment or a financial house of cards?

Notizie 2024-11-30 08:00
Italian Regulator Warns Against Go Markets Clone

Italian Regulator Warns Against Go Markets Clone

Calling Your Attention! CONSOB, the Italian regulator, recently issued a warning against the clone of Go Markets, a well-known broker. This clone provides legitimate brokers. Below are the illegal websites you need to stay away from:

Notizie 2024-11-29 19:41
Philippines Cracks Down on POGOs and Rising Crypto Scams

Philippines Cracks Down on POGOs and Rising Crypto Scams

As the Philippines intensifies its POGO crackdown, experts warn of a surge in underground operations, including crypto scams and espionage activities.

Notizie 2024-11-29 17:52
Smart Prop Trader to Close Doors in December 2024

Smart Prop Trader to Close Doors in December 2024

Smart Prop Trader, a proprietary trading firm known for offering funded trading accounts, has announced plans to cease onboarding new traders as it prepares to wind down operations by the end of the year.

Notizie 2024-11-29 16:20
Former Binance Executive Files Lawsuit Over Bribery Allegations & Unfair Dismissal

Former Binance Executive Files Lawsuit Over Bribery Allegations & Unfair Dismissal

A former senior employee of Binance’s UK division, Amrita Srivastava, has initiated legal proceedings against the cryptocurrency exchange, alleging both bribery and wrongful termination.

Notizie 2024-11-29 16:15

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