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Citigroup Fined $1.4M by FINRA for OTC Margin Violations

Citigroup Fined $1.4M by FINRA for OTC Margin Violations

Citigroup Global Markets fined $1.4M for violating FINRA's rules on OTC margin collection, emphasizing the need for regulatory compliance in financial reporting and securities.

Notizie 2024-10-08 17:56
U.S. Authorities to Seize $2.67 Million in Crypto Linked to North Korean Hacks

U.S. Authorities to Seize $2.67 Million in Crypto Linked to North Korean Hacks

The U.S. government is moving to seize approximately $2.67 million in cryptocurrency connected to two major cyberattacks orchestrated by the notorious Lazarus Group, believed to be backed by North Korean hackers.

Notizie 2024-10-08 17:20
UAE Exempts Crypto Transactions from VAT

UAE Exempts Crypto Transactions from VAT

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has introduced a significant regulatory change by exempting all cryptocurrency transactions from value-added tax (VAT), positioning digital assets on par with traditional financial services. This new tax exemption, which takes effect on 15th November 2024.

Notizie 2024-10-08 17:15
FTX Bankruptcy Plan Approved: Creditors Set to Receive Payouts

FTX Bankruptcy Plan Approved: Creditors Set to Receive Payouts

A U.S. bankruptcy court has given the green light to FTX’s reorganization plan, signalling the end of the two-year legal process following the cryptocurrency exchange's collapse in late 2022 amid widespread fraud allegations. This decision sets the stage for the distribution of funds to the company’s creditors.

Notizie 2024-10-08 17:08
How Market Makers Set Bid-Ask Spreads?

How Market Makers Set Bid-Ask Spreads?

Discover how market makers set bid-ask spreads, the factors affecting spread fluctuations, and how liquidity and volatility play key roles in shaping trading dynamics.

Notizie 2024-10-08 17:08
Join! Octa's October MT4 Demo Contest

Join! Octa's October MT4 Demo Contest

If you want to demonstrate your skills and techniques and compete on a global scale. You may participate in the Octa-Champion MT4 Demo Contest, which will begin on October 21, 2024. Registration for the contest gets announced before it begins.

Notizie 2024-10-08 16:41
ACY Securities Eliminates Fees for Cryptocurrency Deposits

ACY Securities Eliminates Fees for Cryptocurrency Deposits

ACY Securities eliminates cryptocurrency deposit fees, offering zero-fee deposits for traders. The update improves cost-effective trading with crypto deposits.

Notizie 2024-10-08 15:16
Win US$ 8,000! with Tickmill IB GRAND PRIX

Win US$ 8,000! with Tickmill IB GRAND PRIX

Are you looking for a trading competition with a reliable broker? If yes, you can join the Tickmill IB Grand Prix with a chance to win a share of $125,000 in cash prizes divided among five circuits. The contest began on October 1, 2024, and will run until July 1, 2025. The contest is available to all Tickmill IBs, both current and new.

Notizie 2024-10-08 14:40
How to Buy Bitcoin on eToro in 2024

How to Buy Bitcoin on eToro in 2024

Learn how to buy Bitcoin on eToro in 2024, including easy steps for new investors, fees, and tips for seamless Bitcoin investing using eToro.

Notizie 2024-10-08 14:25

FTX: Customers of failed crypto firm set for refunds

The agreement will put an end to a saga that started when the firm went bankrupt in November 2022.

settore 2024-10-07 21:05
eToro Launched  Price Alert Feature on its Platform

eToro Launched Price Alert Feature on its Platform

A reputable broker, eToro, updates or adds its features more often for its users. Recently, the broker added a new feature on its platform called price alert. This feature will allow traders to set up many prices.

Notizie 2024-10-07 18:52
Malaysian Man Loses RM124,000 in Social Media Investment Scam

Malaysian Man Loses RM124,000 in Social Media Investment Scam

A 47-year-old Malaysian man fell victim to an investment scam, losing RM124,000 after being misled by a fraudulent scheme promoted on social media. The scheme, advertised on Facebook, promised high returns through an application called L-Trader, which the man was led to believe could generate millions in profits.

Notizie 2024-10-07 17:55
Bybit Launches USDT Indices Trading on MetaTrader 5

Bybit Launches USDT Indices Trading on MetaTrader 5

Bybit launches USDT indices trading on MetaTrader 5, enabling global market access and enhancing trading opportunities for cryptocurrency traders worldwide.

Notizie 2024-10-07 17:49
Fake Facebook Investment Scheme Costs Malaysian Man RM400K

Fake Facebook Investment Scheme Costs Malaysian Man RM400K

A 60-year-old man from Johor became the latest victim of a fraudulent investment scheme, losing RM406,654 after being lured into what was advertised as a high-return opportunity on Facebook. The scheme, which promised a 10% interest return on invested capital within three months, proved to be a sophisticated scam that left the victim financially devastated.

Notizie 2024-10-07 17:47
Retiree Loses Over RM160K in Online Investment Scam After Withdrawing EPF Savings

Retiree Loses Over RM160K in Online Investment Scam After Withdrawing EPF Savings

A retiree from Pahang (Malaysia), lost RM163,300 to an online investment scam after withdrawing his Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) savings and selling his unit trust investments in pursuit of larger returns.

Notizie 2024-10-07 15:05
OKX Lists PayPal USD (PYUSD) for Spot Trading

OKX Lists PayPal USD (PYUSD) for Spot Trading

OKX lists PayPal USD (PYUSD) for spot trading, offering secure and stable trading. Deposits, call auctions, and PYUSD/USDT trading start on October 3, 2024.

Notizie 2024-10-07 13:45
Checkout the List of 25+ Unauthorised Websites & Firms

Checkout the List of 25+ Unauthorised Websites & Firms

There are about 25 unlicensed websites are operating in the forex market. They are looking to steal your money. Their next target might be you. If you pay attention to the warning issued by esteemed regulators. You can protect your money and avoid scams. Recently, Italy CONSOB officially released a list of unauthorized entities.

Esposizione 2024-10-07 13:36
Is Exness Legal in India?

Is Exness Legal in India?

Is Exness legal in India? Learn about Exness' regulatory standing, the role of SEBI and RBI in India, and the risks Indian traders face when using offshore brokers.

Notizie 2024-10-07 11:52
What Are the Easiest Ways to Avoid Forex Trading Scams?

What Are the Easiest Ways to Avoid Forex Trading Scams?

Avoid Forex scams with these easy tips! Learn how to research brokers, spot red flags, and protect your investments for a safe Forex trading experience.

Notizie 2024-10-07 08:30
SEC Approves Nasdaq Options Trading for BlackRock's IBIT ETF

SEC Approves Nasdaq Options Trading for BlackRock's IBIT ETF

The SEC approved Nasdaq's proposal to list options for BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF (IBIT), opening the door to Bitcoin ETF options trading in the U.S. markets.

Notizie 2024-10-07 08:00

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