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Hong Kong’s Bold Move: AI Framework & Tax Incentives Set to Boost Fintech Growth

Hong Kong’s Bold Move: AI Framework & Tax Incentives Set to Boost Fintech Growth

Hong Kong is strengthening its position as a fintech leader with the introduction of new policies that support artificial intelligence (AI) integration in the financial sector and explore tax breaks for virtual asset investments.

Notizie 2024-10-29 16:27
CFTC Takes Action Against Louisiana Firms in Forex Fraud Scheme

CFTC Takes Action Against Louisiana Firms in Forex Fraud Scheme

The CFTC has filed a lawsuit against NOLA FX Capital Management and Meteor, LLC, for defrauding investors out of over $7.6 million in a forex scam.

Notizie 2024-10-29 16:11
 Angel One is an Ideal choice for you ?

Angel One is an Ideal choice for you ?

Angel One, an Indian brokerage firm, offers an eclectic blend of pioneering services such as online trading, investment, advisory, algorithmic trading, smart orders, and margin trading.

Esposizione 2024-10-29 14:39
How the U.S. Election Affects Broker Spreads and Liquidity

How the U.S. Election Affects Broker Spreads and Liquidity

The U.S. presidential election is a significant event that can impact financial markets in various ways. For traders, understanding how election outcomes influence broker spreads and liquidity is crucial for strategic decision-making. This article explores the mechanisms behind these changes and offers insights for navigating the trading landscape during election periods.

Notizie 2024-10-29 14:30
First Hong Kong ETF in Saudi Arabia Raises $1.3 Billion in Investment

First Hong Kong ETF in Saudi Arabia Raises $1.3 Billion in Investment

Saudi Arabia's Albilad CSOP MSCI Hong Kong China Equity ETF has attracted $1.3 billion, reflecting Saudi investors' enthusiasm for Hong Kong stocks and China's economic potential.

Notizie 2024-10-29 13:49
Tether Holds $100 Billion in US Treasuries Amid Regulatory Scrutiny

Tether Holds $100 Billion in US Treasuries Amid Regulatory Scrutiny

Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino reveals the company's $100 billion in US Treasuries, defending against regulatory scrutiny following recent allegations.

Notizie 2024-10-29 12:12
Robinhood Rolls Out 2024 Presidential Election Trading Contracts

Robinhood Rolls Out 2024 Presidential Election Trading Contracts

Robinhood launches event contracts for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, enabling users to trade based on predictions. Eligibility requirements apply.

Notizie 2024-10-29 11:23
Sonu Sharma, Motivational Speaker Exposed Botbro

Sonu Sharma, Motivational Speaker Exposed Botbro

Sonu Sharma, an Indian motivational speaker, exposed BotBro’s false claim. BotBro recently announced that Sonu Sharma and his 300 agents have joined the BotBro. Lavish Chaudhary, the founder of BotBro, successfully met with the speaker in Dubai. This news is gaining popularity on social media.

Notizie 2024-10-28 20:18
"No Reply, Restricted My Account, Won't Withdraw" Victim Stated

"No Reply, Restricted My Account, Won't Withdraw" Victim Stated

“My name is Alina I am a trader at AAA trading platform. I am facing a Withdrawal issue with the broker. I deposited $3000 in the AAA trading platform on 25/04/2023. The same day I opened a trade on Spotify stock which made me a profit of $7709.91 and my total real money equity became $10764.91.” A user wrote in her complaint.

Esposizione 2024-10-28 18:42
Illegal Bitcoin Mining Is Draining Millions from Malaysia’s National Company

Illegal Bitcoin Mining Is Draining Millions from Malaysia’s National Company

Malaysia’s national electricity provider, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), recently disclosed that it has incurred losses surpassing RM440 million (approximately $101 million) as a result of electricity theft linked to illegal Bitcoin mining operations

Notizie 2024-10-28 18:25
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | BizzTrade Ltd: Is It Trustworthy?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | BizzTrade Ltd: Is It Trustworthy?

In this article, we conduct a comprehensive examination of BizzTrade Ltd, exploring its key features, fees, safety measures, deposit and withdrawal options, trading platforms, and customer service. WikiFX endeavors to provide you with essential information to help you make an informed decision about using this platform.

Notizie 2024-10-28 17:24
Plus500 Users Count Surges to 121K with Average Deposits Reaching $6,150

Plus500 Users Count Surges to 121K with Average Deposits Reaching $6,150

Plus500 reports a strong Q3 2024, with revenue up by 11%, active users rising to nearly 121,000, and average deposits per user climbing to $6,150, fueled by strategic growth.

Notizie 2024-10-28 17:17
Coinbase Launches Tool to Simplify AI Agent Creation for Crypto Tasks

Coinbase Launches Tool to Simplify AI Agent Creation for Crypto Tasks

Coinbase’s new ‘Based Agent’ tool promises a simplified AI agent creation process, enabling users to build fully autonomous agents for crypto tasks like trading in minutes.

Notizie 2024-10-28 15:31
How Should Forex Traders Prepare for the 2024 US Presidential Election

How Should Forex Traders Prepare for the 2024 US Presidential Election

Learn how the 2024 US presidential election will impact forex markets and commodities like oil and gold. Prepare for election-driven volatility with effective trading strategies.

Notizie 2024-10-28 15:26
Ex-YouTube Star Extradite to Thailand on Fraud Charges

Ex-YouTube Star Extradite to Thailand on Fraud Charges

Natthamon "Nutty" Khongchak returns to Thailand to face charges in a $56 million forex scam that defrauded thousands. Investigation continues into the money trail and seized assets.

Notizie 2024-10-28 14:37
The Role of Stablecoins in the Volatile Cryptocurrency Market

The Role of Stablecoins in the Volatile Cryptocurrency Market

In this article, we’ll explore stablecoins, how they work, and why they play a crucial role in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

Notizie 2024-10-28 14:20
Errante Integrates with TradingView, Elevating FX and CFD Trading Tools

Errante Integrates with TradingView, Elevating FX and CFD Trading Tools

Errante now offers TradingView integration, enhancing FX/CFD trading with powerful charting, real-time alerts, and extensive user resources for global traders.

Notizie 2024-10-28 13:53
How Inflation Rates Affect Forex Prices Globally

How Inflation Rates Affect Forex Prices Globally

In this article, we’ll explore how inflation affects forex prices globally, the relationship between inflation and currency value, and why traders monitor inflation closely.

Notizie 2024-10-28 13:40
BUX and PrimaryBid Partnership Opens IPO Access for EU Retail Investors

BUX and PrimaryBid Partnership Opens IPO Access for EU Retail Investors

BUX partners with PrimaryBid to give retail investors in the Netherlands and Belgium access to IPOs, marking a milestone in Europe’s retail market inclusion.

Notizie 2024-10-28 13:14
XM - Featured Broker in WikiFX SkyLine Guide

XM - Featured Broker in WikiFX SkyLine Guide

In the rapidly evolving forex industry, WikiFX, as a leading global third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing investors with the most reliable information services. To cater to the localized and personalized needs of investors in different regions, WikiFX has launched the SkyLine Guide, which first selected 25 outstanding brokers in Thailand. Additionally, WikiFX will release a series of related reports, with this article focusing on one of the featured brokers — XM.

Notizie 2024-10-28 10:28

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