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What is Heikin Ashi and How Do You Calculate It?

What is Heikin Ashi and How Do You Calculate It?

How is Heikin Ashi calculated? Let's have a look at how Heikin Ashi candlesticks are calculated and displayed on a graph.

Elementary School 2022-02-17
How to use Pivot Points for Range Trading

How to use Pivot Points for Range Trading

Range trading is an active investing strategy that identifies a range at which the investor buys and sells at over a short period.

Elementary School 2022-02-16
Cheat Sheet for Chart Patterns

Cheat Sheet for Chart Patterns

The main classic chart patterns are mentioned here, along with when they are formed, what type of signal they provide, and what the next expected price move is.

Elementary School 2022-02-16
Understand the three major types of chart patterns.

Understand the three major types of chart patterns.

Reversal patterns are chart formations that indicate that a current trend is poised to shift direction.

Elementary School 2022-02-16
Bearish and Bullish Pennants and How to Trade Them

Bearish and Bullish Pennants and How to Trade Them

Pennants, like rectangles, are continuation chart patterns that form following big advances. Buyers and sellers often take a breather after a large upward or negative move before continuing to move the pair in the same direction.

Elementary School 2022-02-16
How to Trade Breakouts Using Rectangle Chart Patterns

How to Trade Breakouts Using Rectangle Chart Patterns

When the price is bordered by parallel support and resistance levels, a rectangle is produced on the chart. A rectangle represents a moment of consolidation or hesitation between buyers and sellers as they trade punches but neither has the upper hand.

Elementary School 2022-02-16
The Head and Shoulders Pattern and How to Trade It

The Head and Shoulders Pattern and How to Trade It

A reversal pattern, the head and shoulders chart pattern is most commonly observed in uptrends. "Head and shoulders" is well-known not only for trend reversals, but also for dandruff reversals.

Elementary School 2022-02-14
What is the Difference Between Double Tops and Double Bottoms?

What is the Difference Between Double Tops and Double Bottoms?

A trend reversal has begun when a double top or double bottom chart pattern develops. Let's look at how to recognize and trade these chart patterns.

Elementary School 2022-02-14
How to Make Money Trading Chart Patterns

How to Make Money Trading Chart Patterns

Consider chart patterns to be a land mine detector; once you've completed this lesson, you'll be able to notice "explosions" on the charts before they happen, potentially making you a lot of money.

Elementary School 2022-02-14
How to Confirm a Trend with MACD

How to Confirm a Trend with MACD

MACD and moving averages have already been established as indicators that can do so. At the cost of delayed input, these indicators will identify patterns once they have been formed.

Elementary School 2022-02-14
How to Use Oscillators to Predict When a Trend Will End

How to Use Oscillators to Predict When a Trend Will End

Any object or data that oscillates between two points is called an oscillator. To put it another way, it's something that will always fall someplace between point A and point B.

Elementary School 2022-02-14
How to Use ADX (Average Directional Index)

How to Use ADX (Average Directional Index)

The Average Directional Index, or ADX, is a tool for determining the comprehensive strength of a trend. It is based on the idea that trading, when the market is moving in the direction of a strong trend, increases the chances of profit and lowers the risk by a considerable margin.

Elementary School 2022-02-09
SMA (Simple Moving Average) Explanation

SMA (Simple Moving Average) Explanation

The simplest type of moving average is the simple moving average (SMA). A simple moving average is calculated by summing the closing prices of the previous "X" period and then dividing that amount by X.

Elementary School 2022-01-29
How to Place Your Stop Using Fibonacci to Lose Less Money

How to Place Your Stop Using Fibonacci to Lose Less Money

Knowing where to enter or exit profits is probably just as critical as knowing where to position your stop loss.

Elementary School 2022-01-29
Fibonacci Retracements Aren't Always Correct

Fibonacci Retracements Aren't Always Correct

This also applies to Fibonacci, because Fibonacci levels are utilized to find support and resistance levels. Fibonacci retracements aren't always successful. They aren't without flaws.

Elementary School 2022-01-29
Candlesticks with Support and Resistance

Candlesticks with Support and Resistance

Remember that candlesticks are meaningless unless you examine the market situation and what the price is showing you. As with every benchmark index or tool, just because candlesticks indicate a reversal or continuance does not mean it will occur.

Elementary School 2022-01-29
Dual Candlestick Patterns

Dual Candlestick Patterns

What could be better than a single candlestick pattern? DUAL candlestick designs! To recognize multiple Japanese candlestick patterns, search for certain formations that include TWO candlesticks in total.

Elementary School 2022-01-29
Basic Japanese Candlestick Patterns

Basic Japanese Candlestick Patterns

What do marubozus, spinning tops, and dojis have in common? They're all Japanese candlesticks in their most basic form! Let's look at each of the many types of candlesticks and what they signify in terms of price activity.

Elementary School 2022-01-29
Japanese Candlestick Anatomy

Japanese Candlestick Anatomy

Like humans, candlesticks have different body sizes. And when it comes to forex trading, there's nothing worse than looking at the candlestick itself!

Elementary School 2022-01-27
Summary: Trading Support and Resistance

Summary: Trading Support and Resistance

The peak reached before the price falls back is now resistance when it moves up and then retracts. As the price climbs back up, the lowest position hit before the climb is now considered support.

Elementary School 2022-01-27

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